Why not publish the full report? It's available online, and since I don't need to promote my site by all means, here is the original source:
https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/binaries/rijksoverheid/documenten/rapporten/2020/01/23/tk-bijlage-6-the-final-report-of-the-royal-commission/tk-bijlage-6-the-final-report-of-the-royal-commission.pdf (the official site of the Government of the Netherlands)
slimboyfat If you pay people they will tell you what you want to hear. What’s the point?
David Bennett is one of the most experienced and reputable lawyers in Australia, he is almost 80 year old, and I'm pretty sure he isn't in need for money. Is it fair and reasonable to dismiss his legal opinion just because it was commissioned by Watchtower?