I am an agnostic deist. I find no comfort in human religions because I have yet to find one that doesn't require subjective assumptions and the acceptance of various logical fallacies. However, given my level of understanding with regards to the universe, I'm certainly in no position to completely close my mind to the idea of a creator. Until he speaks to me directly, though, (and speaks to me in such a way that I can be reasonably certain I haven't just suffered a psychotic break with reality, or am experiencing a hallucination caused by an altered state of consciousness) then I will have to use my best judgment to live me life and hope things work out okay.
As for how I have made peace with the thought that I will most probably cease to exist one day with no hope for continuing my sentient existence. Well, firstly I look to science to determine what I can know about where I came from and what will happen to me after I die. Science tells me that the atoms in my body were forged in the heart of a star and that the matter and energy in my body will go right on existing long after my brain has died. Even if there isn't a supernatural force responsible for what is before life and after death, I think that the demonstrable facts around these events are amazing enough to satisfy me. Additionally, I came to the realization that, just because what I do may not matter in 10 billion years, it still matters now.