Frenchy, I never realized you were THAT old. Well, a ceiling is the modern-day equivalent of cave roof. Does this make sense now, poor boy?
JoinedPosts by RedhorseWoman
Ten Greatest Movies Ever
by Seven inwhat does this have to do with being a jehovah's witness?
nothing.. the greatest movies ever made.
1. the godfather.
Poem for SevenofNine
by spectromize inhere it is, it's called,.
walk a mile in my gucci's.
dear sevenofnine,.
Oh, Spec, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize it was so bad that you felt you had to hide it :p BWAHAHAHAHA
About posting your picture be careful!
by spectromize insimon i'm sorry i don't mean to rain on your parade but you have to remember the society and your local elders watch for stuff like that.
this is a very liberal board as far as discussions go and forever thankful for that, but you have to be careful because you could face a jd meeting.
i'm sure everyone is well aware that some posts on this board just wouldn't go over to well with the society.
I think I might have a couple of pictures of the horses that are fairly decent.
Most of the pictures, however, are either of the end of a horse's nose because they walk right up while you're taking the picture to investigate the camera, or they're of horses at a distance because they are in "run away, run away, a monster is trying to eat us" mode.
It would help if my husband could hold them for pictures, but he's usually too busy moaning about the plight of being male.
Poem for SevenofNine
by spectromize inhere it is, it's called,.
walk a mile in my gucci's.
dear sevenofnine,.
What you go through? Oh, PIFFLEFLOSS!! Whine, whine, whine. :)
Ten Greatest Movies Ever
by Seven inwhat does this have to do with being a jehovah's witness?
nothing.. the greatest movies ever made.
1. the godfather.
Oh, my dear Seven, when waiting and I were young, most families didn't even have TV, let alone cable. If they did, it was black and white. There were no color programs for several years. No computers, no stereo, no video games. HBO in the middle of the night? Heck, if we got up to watch anything in the middle of the night, all we would get was a test pattern. All broadcasting stopped around 1 a.m. LOL
by Jokemyster insince the organization has recieved "new light" regarding the 1914 generation, and completely changed their view on this, does this mean that.
all the former jehovah's witnesses who were disfellowshipped years ago for the same view the organization is now teaching will automatically be.
accepted into fellowship again?
I had asked this very question of elders in my congregation. They had no answer and switched the subject.
I have always felt that Jehovah is the ultimate judge and that He is the one who will determine whether or not a person is deemed righteous.
I honestly feel that the whole reason disfellowshipped people are to be shunned is not that they are evil, but that many of them have found out things that we should know. Things that could conceivably be considered to be the "truth".
The advent of the Internet is allowing all of us to evaluate for ourselves what is right, and to do it in relative anonimity. No wonder the WTBTS has been coming out so strongly against it.
My Journey
by Frenchy ini suppose we all think of ourselves as unique and we are in so many ways.
what i fail to realize, i guess, is that we are far more alike than unique.
every now and then i will reveal some little fear or quirk or dream that i have only to find out that someone else has experienced the same thing!
I read your post last night, but I wanted to give it some thought before I replied. I can understand your hurt and confusion, but I want to assure you, as did Seven, that Jehovah has NOT abandoned you.
Perhaps the answers to your prayers are not what you expect. That does not mean that you are not receiving answers. Have you ever considered the possibility that one answer might be this very board?
Has it occurred to you that shortly after you began posting your journal of discovery, a whole group of us showed up? Could it be that WE are part of the answers you seek?
I've found that my personal relationship with Jehovah has been growing stronger in recent years. Ironically, it began growing stronger when I dismissed the WTBTS admonitions on how, when, where, and why to prayer; and also on what to pray for. I simply began talking to Him as I would to a friend, telling Him my concerns, fears, and needs (yes, I committed the unthinkable....I asked for specific things I needed whether it was emotional, material, or spiritual). I got answers.
Some answers were immediate.....a feeling of peace or comfort, or an insight into a problem that had been eluding me. Some answers took longer, but they became evident over a period of time. I could see my path being laid out before me, and taking the path that was being shown to me resulted in the fulfillment of my needs.
Don't despair. He IS there, and He IS guiding you. Just allow yourself to see.
Ten Greatest Movies Ever
by Seven inwhat does this have to do with being a jehovah's witness?
nothing.. the greatest movies ever made.
1. the godfather.
The Godfather is one movie I definitely need to see. Unfortunately, it came out during my totally submissive-to-the-WTBTS period and I never saw it.
While I was growing up as a JW I was allowed to see only two movies. One was The Ten Commandments, and the other was Fantasia. I'm certain that if my mother had realized that there would be parts in Fantasia dealing with sorcery, that movie would have been on the forbidden list, also. As it was, we had to leave before the ending which had that scene with the Devil on Witch Mountain (I think it was Witch Mountain).
by Seven ini am the great and powerful oz!!
if i only had a brain, a heart, the courage and pair of ruby slippers i know i could find what i'm looking for.. this flick terrified me as a child now it reminds me of the society-pay no attention to the man behind the curtin.
I have a feeling, Frenchy, that what will get US home is truth (not "the Truth"), and our efforts to find it.
Payback with Mel Gibson
by waiting init's r rated and rough in the beginning.
dark humor usually appeals to me, however.. i rented this long before i discovered the web, so i wasn't influenced by my computer.. i swear one of the movie writers had to be an xjw.
notice that when gibson goes against organized crime - their headquarters is in a big beautiful, out of place hotel.
A bad reaction to Sixth Sense? How so?