I suppose we all think of ourselves as unique and we are in so many ways. What I fail to realize, I guess, is that we are far more alike than unique. Every now and then I will reveal some little fear or quirk or dream that I have only to find out that someone else has experienced the same thing! Regardless of how many times it happens it never fails to amaze me.
Mom began studying when I was very young and so I ‘grew up’ in ‘the truth’ …AND WAS CONVINCED OF IT from that point on. In the slow and relentless march of time that was to come I was faced with many important (how important are we really in the scheme of things?) decisions which I set about resolving on the basis of my faith in what I KNEW to be the truth. I raised my children that way. Two accepted it and were baptized and one did not.
Somewhere along the way I realized (my personal evaluation of things) that things were not as I once supposed them to be. I began trying to evaluate our beliefs as one outside of our faith would, as a ‘worldly person.’ No one who has not been a witness can fully appreciate the difficulty of this. It proved to be a long journey that would not be without consequences. I came to realize just how silly some of the things we did and preached sounded to one not ‘conditioned’ to accept this. I came to realize how flimsy some of our ‘basic truths’ really were when it came to actually establishing (defending is another matter) them from Scripture. As disturbing as this was to me, it was made even more so by yet another realization: There was so much that was GOOD about it! There was so much that I was convinced was right. THAT is where the difficulty lies (please note present tense) for me.
(to be cont'd)