Hmmmm.....interesting question.
I've been thinking back on the elders' children with which I've been acquainted over the years, and I think that they cover the full spectrum of behavior from exemplary to horrendous.
I do think that elders' children are scrutinized more carefully, and their foibles are more apt to be noticed.
One daughter of an elder grew up to be an absolute snob due to her position in "the royal family".
Another, however, from a different family, was an absolutely lovely young woman who was intelligent, sweet and kind.
The family that strikes me most, however, belonged to an elder who was one of the really good ones. He was meek and kind and tried his best to help the members of the congregation.
He probably didn't spend enough time with his family because he spread himself way too thin. He was constantly trying to help someone in the congregation, and I know that it caused problems in his own family.
He had three children. His daughter always tended to have the "princess" syndrome. One of his sons DID go wild when he grew up. Thinking about his second son, however, still saddens me.
This young man tried to be the perfect witness. He was smart and funny, a good friend, a caring, loving son. He pioneered and was always there to help someone in need.
He had one problem, however, that he tried to hide, but which we always suspected....he was gay.
After we all grew up and went our separate ways, I lost track of this young man. His family moved quite far away, and I hadn't seen him for years.
I was recently trying to locate old friends through the internet, and I found one friend who had kept in touch with him. She told me that he died of AIDS five years ago.
His father, the elder, never abandoned his gay son, even though he received a LOT of repercussions for doing so. I think that this man is what an elder should be.