freedomisntfree This woman was my mom and her story was indeed very very true. I remember my parents talking about it when they were making the plans, elders were involved in those conversations. They all planned to take the boy and there was a lot of proverbial high-fiving afterward. I think a few of my mom's comments were altered or misunderstood, for instance, I don't think the police were looking for them yet but the group knew the police would be called once the hospital realized the boy was missing. I don't think they went to Mexico, as I never remember hearing that come up.
Mom also never claimed to live at Bethel, but she did work with my dad and they both worked occasionally at Bethel. Having us kids meant they couldn't live there. My dad became a lawyer in NB then Bethel asked him to move to Ontario. Our whole family life changed after that. Dad had to have an independent private practice, but he was really in the WTS pocket and their beck and call when something came up.What my parents, and I, did as part of the JW's was wrong, but at the time we so believed we were doing the right thing and the WTS was right there patting my parents on the back (while dismissing the abuse going on at home).
palmtree67 they divorced around 1996, a few months after I left home. I think the final straw was dad breaking mom's arm.