I have tested this theory out on a few elders and some even agreed with me.
I recommend anyone else still physically in try it this way.
making excuses saying the GB are still imperfect men and even they get things wrong sometimes. Poor old brothers trying to make the right choices and what a huge responsibility they have.
Yes it seems now they made a mistake pushing the covid vaccines so much but you can understand why they did it, they believed what the politicians were saying. It’s not the GB fault, it’s the fault of the politicians.
just because the GB made a mistake on this vaccine issue doesn’t mean they are not divinely inspired. Jehovah let’s them make mistakes from time to time, we must not go thinking they are the evil slave just for making this mistake and yes millions of bros and sisters have damaged their health now by following direction but don’t forget the big A is just around the corner.
soon the GB will U turn on the vaccines so everyone doesn’t have to keep taking the boosters and then let’s just forget about this mistake next time they give direction we don’t agree with