So the resurrection of the unrighteous will be some reserected ones who practised vile things in the old world but will be given a second chance as it were
they will be given a reasonable amount of time in the new world but if they still choose to be unrighteous they will be taken away at some point
this is what it means that unrighteousness will not be allowed, not saying it absolutely will not happen just that it won’t be allowed
It’s not a contradiction that would be laughed at if that’s the best you have got
a better one would be at the end of the thousand year reign, will these unrighteous ones have lived since their reserection (may take a long time even upto the end of the 1000yrs to bring everyone back) right up to the end of the 1000yrs?
how will some still choose to side with Satan after everything they have seen? No faith will be needed like it is now?