I wonder what the remaining members of the GB will make of this?
I excited to read all of this once it’s released and compare with the rest of Mathew
i wonder what the remaining members of the gb will make of this?.
i excited to read all of this once it’s released and compare with the rest of mathew.
I wonder what the remaining members of the GB will make of this?
I excited to read all of this once it’s released and compare with the rest of Mathew
the situation is many of us are pima and all putting on a front, sometimes saying something we don’t fully believe.
or at least are actually agnostic about but a hope that it’s true.. but it can be useful if someone is really going through a hard time or has something they are very worried about, to say things like well let’s hope there is not much longer of this old system.. this can be useful in an awkward situation where you just don’t know what to do or say.
it’s a little bit of hope that can help when there is nothing else.. my agnosticism just means i won’t look back over decades thinking i wasted my life.
How dare anyone tell anyone else that they can’t believe something.
I can choose to be agnostic that is my choice. If someone else believes the origin of life was chance or intelligent design that’s their choice.
I am finally very happy with my choice of my belief system. It’s taken a lot of searching to get where I finally am. Im mentally agnostic and I’m staying physically in as JW in case the Bibles promises turn out to have any truth in them. This hope gives me comfort.
I am also just as agnostic towards Darwin’s theory of evolution or some similar origin of life came about by chance theory.
The entire point of being agnostic is that you have come to the conclusion that either chance or intelligent design can’t be proven.
If one could be proven then all agnostics would jump that side of the fence.
the situation is many of us are pima and all putting on a front, sometimes saying something we don’t fully believe.
or at least are actually agnostic about but a hope that it’s true.. but it can be useful if someone is really going through a hard time or has something they are very worried about, to say things like well let’s hope there is not much longer of this old system.. this can be useful in an awkward situation where you just don’t know what to do or say.
it’s a little bit of hope that can help when there is nothing else.. my agnosticism just means i won’t look back over decades thinking i wasted my life.
I guess all agnostics are hedging their bets
if you are agnostic towards if there is a God you are by definition agnostic towards the evolution theory also.
Im actually staying physically In because I enjoy it. I find it very interesting studying the Bible every week giving parts and commenting.
Agnostic just means you don’t think it’s possible to find out the entire truth but still find it all very interesting and enjoyable 😁
A person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (such as God) is unknown and probably unknowable. broadly : one who is not committed to believing in either the existence or the nonexistence of God or a god. : a person who is unwilling to commit to an opinion about something. political agnostics.
the situation is many of us are pima and all putting on a front, sometimes saying something we don’t fully believe.
or at least are actually agnostic about but a hope that it’s true.. but it can be useful if someone is really going through a hard time or has something they are very worried about, to say things like well let’s hope there is not much longer of this old system.. this can be useful in an awkward situation where you just don’t know what to do or say.
it’s a little bit of hope that can help when there is nothing else.. my agnosticism just means i won’t look back over decades thinking i wasted my life.
when someone is going through a real hard time it’s very helpful to say the Bible promises no more pain and suffering
I disagree. If, for example, a mother loses her child is it really "helpful" to tell her she can have her child back again? How does such a lie help her grieving process? How unspeakably cruel is it to offer hope that cannot possibly be fulfilled.
What I think is cruel is when the priest says God wanted your child in heaven so took them. That is cruel and no Biblical at all.
If you say to a grieving parent the Bible says there is a reserection hope then that is truthful the Bible says that. If it’s true or not is up to the individual I’m personally agnostic but I do think it’s comforting to think about the Bibles hope
the situation is many of us are pima and all putting on a front, sometimes saying something we don’t fully believe.
or at least are actually agnostic about but a hope that it’s true.. but it can be useful if someone is really going through a hard time or has something they are very worried about, to say things like well let’s hope there is not much longer of this old system.. this can be useful in an awkward situation where you just don’t know what to do or say.
it’s a little bit of hope that can help when there is nothing else.. my agnosticism just means i won’t look back over decades thinking i wasted my life.
ExBethelitenowPIMA I don't recall you ever mentioning on this site if you have JW (such as PIMI) relatives. Would you mind telling us if you do?
Yes large family some in, some never been in and some now out.
The ones out we are not following direction and shunning them at all.
Of all of us still physically in we all tend to be agnostic.
the situation is many of us are pima and all putting on a front, sometimes saying something we don’t fully believe.
or at least are actually agnostic about but a hope that it’s true.. but it can be useful if someone is really going through a hard time or has something they are very worried about, to say things like well let’s hope there is not much longer of this old system.. this can be useful in an awkward situation where you just don’t know what to do or say.
it’s a little bit of hope that can help when there is nothing else.. my agnosticism just means i won’t look back over decades thinking i wasted my life.
Very interesting posts thanks all.
Yes it’s better to have a hope than nothing at all.
I personally think it’s better to have a hope in the Bibles promises even if like me you feel we don’t really understand everything and it is probably not what we think.
The GB may be way off on their understanding and I think they probably are, along with every other religion and Bible scholars.
Be comfortable not knowing but to have hope of something better while being agnostic is my situation.
I think it’s good for you to keep talking about the Bibles promises and it helps others.
when someone is going through a real hard time it’s very helpful to say the Bible promises no more pain and suffering.
Even if I’m agnostic at the end of the day.
the situation is many of us are pima and all putting on a front, sometimes saying something we don’t fully believe.
or at least are actually agnostic about but a hope that it’s true.. but it can be useful if someone is really going through a hard time or has something they are very worried about, to say things like well let’s hope there is not much longer of this old system.. this can be useful in an awkward situation where you just don’t know what to do or say.
it’s a little bit of hope that can help when there is nothing else.. my agnosticism just means i won’t look back over decades thinking i wasted my life.
But there is no hope after death if you believe the origin of life was chance
the situation is many of us are pima and all putting on a front, sometimes saying something we don’t fully believe.
or at least are actually agnostic about but a hope that it’s true.. but it can be useful if someone is really going through a hard time or has something they are very worried about, to say things like well let’s hope there is not much longer of this old system.. this can be useful in an awkward situation where you just don’t know what to do or say.
it’s a little bit of hope that can help when there is nothing else.. my agnosticism just means i won’t look back over decades thinking i wasted my life.
the situation is many of us are PIMA and all putting on a front, sometimes saying something we don’t fully believe. Or at least are actually agnostic about but a hope that it’s true.
but it can be useful if someone is really going through a hard time or has something they are very worried about, to say things like well let’s hope there is not much longer of this old system.
This can be useful in an awkward situation where you just don’t know what to do or say. It’s a little bit of hope that can help when there is nothing else.
My agnosticism just means I won’t look back over decades thinking I wasted my life. You can still have hope being agnostic and this hope is somewhat comforting.
If you believe in evolution there is no possible hope at all everything is pointless and without purpose.
I don’t think the GB are right about everything but I have hope that the Bibles promises may have some truth to them.
This leads to the question are you better off having a little bit of hope, than nothing at all? Are you better off believing something that may not be true? Ignorance is bliss?
I have come to the conclusion that even if evolution is true, for me being agnostic and sitting on the fence having a little bit of hope in the Bibles promises has advantages.
As long as you don’t look back over your life feeling you wasted any of it. Live life to the full and being comfortable with the fact that we may never know the entire truth until the day we die. But that little bit of hope there is better than nothing at all.
that’s where I’m at. Better off PIMA than POMA or POMO.
rev, 13:17and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
here is wisdom.
let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is 666.".
Rev, 13:17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is 666."
Many people are speculating that the “new international monetary system” that the entire world went into in 1971 will come to an end soon. We were told by Nixon it would be temporary but the entire world is still using this temporary system today over 50 years later.
The question is what comes next? Many speculation involving CBDCs which tend to fit into the mark of the beast talked about in Revelation.
These digital currency coins can be programmed so that without the mark you can’t use them just like Revelation says. Some speculation says the mark is the vaccine others say it will be the digital ID.
I don’t claim to know, but I do think the temporary international monetary system is coming to an end so it will be very exciting to see the transition through to whatever comes next😁
this has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
You have to be exceptional standing to qualify for pioneering and the service comity have to approve you
There is no way someone can be removed from GB and remaining exceptional standing