“I wish I had found the truth about the truth 50 or 60 years ago. I would have had different life but not necessarily happier. Still as happy with Sis England as when we first met.”
George that is my point. Yes you would have lived a different life but probably not as happy. And would you be more happy now if you stayed PIMI?
And what is the truth about the truth anyway? Are they wrong about everything or only some things? Was Jesus a real man in history for example? Of course he was so they are right about that.
The point I’m making is it’s not as simple as saying “now I’ve discovered the real truth” anyone may think that but perhaps nobody has the real truth. In that case if what you believe makes you happy maybe that’s better than believing something else that makes you have no hope and bleak outlook when even that option is probably not true either.
I think it’s better to go for the option that makes you happy