“Negative -- miserable until epiphany of the con game and couldn't get out of Dodge fast enough but I was half way out the door/never gave up social life. I did receive calls (kind, good, men, for the most part only one bad apple and he got message real fast!) but I leveled plain and clear and living on private, live-security, property, helps -- they didn't have to waste time/call easier. They knew legally -- everyone has legal right to stand up to them (WT/clergy class just doing their job) and many have.”
LV101 what do you believe now? Do you think you have found the truth? Does your belief now have any hope for the future or just bleak as it’s all chance no purpose to anything?
Its not as simple as red pill blue pill. Many are deceived into thinking they are taking the red pill truth when it’s just another blue pill.
Perhaps there is no red pill.
Everything is a blue pill and everyone is being misled. In this case why not take the blue pill and live your life the best you can and keep a bit of hope that the what the Bible promises about the future may have a bit of truth to it, even though there is almost certainly a lot more to it than we understand