I’m still open to the possibility of chance as the origin of the universe. I’m PIMA and as everyone knows agnostic means not willing to commit either way.
While considering the possibility of chance as the start of everything because that has some advantages, I also hold to a hope of intelligent design and the Bibles promises maybe coming true.
You can’t force me into any box, I think this is the best way to be happy. Take what is most beneficial to you at the time and always consider the possibility a certain belief maybe true or maybe not.
when you really think about it that is what PIMI JWs believe anyway. They have the hope of a resurrection, or the hope that they will be part of their great crowd that the Bible says will survive Armageddon. This is just a hope not a certainty.
I also have this hope being agnostic. This is the advantage of believing in intelligence at the start of the universe.
The advantages of believing in chance as a possibility (still agnostic) is that you won’t feel you wasted so much time believing something that wasn’t true which can really break some people.
Plan B as it were.
Just in case the Bible is not right, I won’t have any regrets reading it everyday and going deep studying it because it’s so interesting and beneficial.