Nic, all the miracles in the Bible are impossible from a scientific point of view. This is why they are called miracles, duh.
Raising people from the dead, walking on water, turning water into wine. Scientifically impossible, otherwise they wouldn’t be called miracles.
Im agnostic so won’t commit to if the universe started by chance or by design. If it was by design then the designer could easily make miracles happen but anyway this is off the point of this thread.
the point of this thread is - are there any examples of Bible writers knowing things that humans could not have known at the time?
JWs use many examples like the shape of the earth, DNA ie you saw even the embryo of me, in your book it many parts were down in writing
and bacterial hygiene the Israelites had to burry the excrement outside the camp. At a time when humans didn’t know about bacteria and infection.
but all these things are subjective not conclusive. These could have been men writing and got lucky with their guesses.
JWs say how could they know about the earth being a circle hanging on nothing? But this is exactly what humans thought at the time, they thought it was a flat circle hanging on nothing