I’m not concerned about Tony. He was delighted at the thought of slaughtering 8 Billion men, women and children. He is responsible along with the other members of the GB for pushing the vaccines on 8 million JWs who trusted these fat old men so much.
Most of the 8 million JWs believed the last governing body who have all died off now who were cautious about vaccines and aired on the side of caution.
But this new lot made it very clear that Jehovah wants you to take these shots and remain fully vaccinated. Tony even said one church said the vaccines are from Satan and how wonderful we know they are from Jehovah. David Splain said “how wonderful it is to follow direction to be fully vaccinated and you may be wondering what do these brothers know? Wrong question. What does Jehovah know?”
So this is why I don’t feel sorry or the GB and especially not for Tony.
We have been told to write, phone and call unannounced to anybody. JWs have been doing this for years and years.
I don’t see the difference now if people write to Tony, even call round there unannounced if you can.