2023 AGM changed everything. After covid in person ministry dropped right off. No more reporting hours was a necessary new light to hide this fact. But now in person ministry will drop off even more. Some won’t do anymore in person ministry ever again or hardly at all. This is the new JWLITE option.
JoinedPosts by ExBethelitenowPIMA
If you were to design a new religion?
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inwhat the jw sect has become and is slowly becoming is far more near what i thought could be a good religion based on the bible.. no more counting hours and no more blindly following direction now they admit they are not inspired.. i would like to design a new sect inside the jws.
it has to be kept secret because the elders would not like it.. this new sect involves giving a tick every month or so saying you are still kindof active talking about the bible.. going to meetings occasionally and attending on zoom sometimes.
very rarely go to ministry groups but don’t ever do first call, just say you are doing street work and have a nice walk somewhere maybe the shops or the park.
Everyone loved zoom ministry, letter writing didn’t happen that much just a good old natter. I love zoom get togethers and the letter writing is just an excuse. Now we don’t have to go on in person ministry and nobody will know. But instead occasionally go to ministry groups and say you are going to do informal witnessing at shops or park. Then meet up for the coffee breaks.Saturday morning groups can be something to look forward to as no more in person doors. Either informal witnessing which is an excuse to look around the shops or a nice walk around the park.In person meetings are optional and sometimes very upbuilding and encouraging. But sometimes stay at home in your PJs on zoom without camera.Ignore direction from the GB who tell you what to think instead of how to think. Far better this new JWLITE is to think for yourself. If someone is an evil person then I would shun them, but it will be my decision not because someone else told me to.Any further direction from the GB needs to be thought about very carefully and then make your own mind up. And the new JWLITE option means you can voice your opinion that you don’t agree with the direction to take these injections or whatever. No thanks I’m going to disagree with the GB on this.I also disagree about 1914. I don’t mind saying I think the GB are wrong about this and soon they will release new light that shows I was right.If I am accused of causing devision in the congregation then I will say I’m feeling suicidal if I have a judicial committee. The new direction says no JD should take place while the person says it would make them suicidal.So yes this new JWLITE can have all the good things with none of the bad things. If it turns out JW doctrine is wrong then you won’t look back with regret on a wasted life.If JWs are right about all or at least a lot of things then your good either way as they now say last minute repentance -
If you were to design a new religion?
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inwhat the jw sect has become and is slowly becoming is far more near what i thought could be a good religion based on the bible.. no more counting hours and no more blindly following direction now they admit they are not inspired.. i would like to design a new sect inside the jws.
it has to be kept secret because the elders would not like it.. this new sect involves giving a tick every month or so saying you are still kindof active talking about the bible.. going to meetings occasionally and attending on zoom sometimes.
very rarely go to ministry groups but don’t ever do first call, just say you are doing street work and have a nice walk somewhere maybe the shops or the park.
“there’s no way that the borg’s teachings are “bible based”.”
Ozzie the point of this new JWLITE is you take the good stuff and leave the bad stuff. Happy families, good friends, good association part of strong community. Always there for each other.
Staying in the congregation for the good people there. People you can trust to be there for you and you will be there for them in times of need.
I would add that having a hope based on the Bibles promises can be very comforting. I’m often going to hospital or peoples homes lately if one’s in need and I keep telling them the Bibles promises.
Maybe the Bible is just another book written by men or maybe there is more to it. But I find the Bible very beneficial and I find being in the congregation very beneficial and brings happiness.
From now on I will not follow direction from the GB because in their own words they are not inspired and they do get things wrong in doctrinal and organisational direction.
I will not follow the direction on shunning and from now on I will not be afraid to voice my opinions that maybe the GB are wrong about 1914 and many other issues
Looking for those with legal expertise to work for free
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inan announcement to all congregations those with legal experience please come and work for free to cover up child abusers.. i mean what else would it be for?.
the cheek of it.. so the direction was always don’t go for advanced education and careers but now they are looking for such ones to give if their time and education for free?.
The way the letter was read to all congregations must have got some very puzzling looks. It certainly did in my congregation.
The way it started was almost as if a new school for kingdom evangelisers or something, but the word LEGAL was in there. It was like a new exciting avenue of service but then hang on that doesn’t make sense but don’t worry about that for now. Any who want to apply please submit an application.
All the enthusiastic die hard PIMI’s are thinking “Oh a new school I want to be a part of that” but then they see the hypocrisy when we were all told not to go for further education.
Everyone must be asking the question why are they asking for those with legal experience?
If you were to design a new religion?
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inwhat the jw sect has become and is slowly becoming is far more near what i thought could be a good religion based on the bible.. no more counting hours and no more blindly following direction now they admit they are not inspired.. i would like to design a new sect inside the jws.
it has to be kept secret because the elders would not like it.. this new sect involves giving a tick every month or so saying you are still kindof active talking about the bible.. going to meetings occasionally and attending on zoom sometimes.
very rarely go to ministry groups but don’t ever do first call, just say you are doing street work and have a nice walk somewhere maybe the shops or the park.
No Zombie thanks for excellent post. I agree 100% and you articulated it so well. This new JW lite version could take all the good things and leave all the bad things but still remain in the congregation. Just ignore the shunning and the bad advice about further education ect ect.
Balaamsass as you say there are more JWs already doing this version of JW lite than most of us imagine.
Thanks for that link https://beroeans.net/ yes there already is a shadow JW lite version behind the scenes. Has been for years but this latest AGM has brought it to the surface. And most JWs haven’t even seen it yet, so just wait a few weeks when it’s on broadcast and it will be interesting to see what happens in the congregations.
My suggestion is this - We try to make it go viral that this new JW lite option means you can stay in the congregation but no more need to do field service unless you want to occasionally. You can live by Bible standards but ignore the GB shunning policies and openly say you don’t agree with the GB on this or that.
This AGM they have implied that even if you want to sit on the fence then that is ok because you can jump the right side of the fence last minute.
I’m not suggesting drawing attention to yourself in the congregation. You don’t want to stand out and keep getting called into the back room but even if that does happen you can refuse to speak to the elders. If they really push it you can now say you may be feeling suicidal if the elders keep on pushing you to talk with them please leave me alone.
Looking for those with legal expertise to work for free
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inan announcement to all congregations those with legal experience please come and work for free to cover up child abusers.. i mean what else would it be for?.
the cheek of it.. so the direction was always don’t go for advanced education and careers but now they are looking for such ones to give if their time and education for free?.
An announcement to all congregations those with legal experience please come and work for free to cover up child abusers.
I mean what else would it be for?
the cheek of it.
So the direction was always don’t go for advanced education and careers but now they are looking for such ones to give if their time and education for free?
If you were to design a new religion?
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inwhat the jw sect has become and is slowly becoming is far more near what i thought could be a good religion based on the bible.. no more counting hours and no more blindly following direction now they admit they are not inspired.. i would like to design a new sect inside the jws.
it has to be kept secret because the elders would not like it.. this new sect involves giving a tick every month or so saying you are still kindof active talking about the bible.. going to meetings occasionally and attending on zoom sometimes.
very rarely go to ministry groups but don’t ever do first call, just say you are doing street work and have a nice walk somewhere maybe the shops or the park.
Yes of course especially if you think the Bible is an interesting book that has at least some value
If you were to design a new religion?
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inwhat the jw sect has become and is slowly becoming is far more near what i thought could be a good religion based on the bible.. no more counting hours and no more blindly following direction now they admit they are not inspired.. i would like to design a new sect inside the jws.
it has to be kept secret because the elders would not like it.. this new sect involves giving a tick every month or so saying you are still kindof active talking about the bible.. going to meetings occasionally and attending on zoom sometimes.
very rarely go to ministry groups but don’t ever do first call, just say you are doing street work and have a nice walk somewhere maybe the shops or the park.
The changes at the AGM are encouraging the new JWlite approach.
Even if you stop everything and wait to see if JWs were right then you could jump that side of the fence last min.
but my entire point is make sure you get more out of being in the cong than what you put into it
The new JW lite secret sect inside the JW sect is the best way to go.
You have the advantages of being in and not the disadvantages.
also you have you advantages of being out without the disadvantages
If you were to design a new religion?
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inwhat the jw sect has become and is slowly becoming is far more near what i thought could be a good religion based on the bible.. no more counting hours and no more blindly following direction now they admit they are not inspired.. i would like to design a new sect inside the jws.
it has to be kept secret because the elders would not like it.. this new sect involves giving a tick every month or so saying you are still kindof active talking about the bible.. going to meetings occasionally and attending on zoom sometimes.
very rarely go to ministry groups but don’t ever do first call, just say you are doing street work and have a nice walk somewhere maybe the shops or the park.
JW lite option, yes I love the sound of that 😁
that is me from now on. And yes I will ignore the shunning and all the other things I don’t agree with. What can they do? There is no more disfellowshipping now, if you say to have the JD would make you feel suicidal then it won’t happen.
Maybe a lot more previous hardline JWs will come over to this new JW lite option.
You asked what is the advantage well the answer is all the good association. And the protection being inside the congregation if something bad were to happen to you then you get well looked after.
If you were to design a new religion?
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inwhat the jw sect has become and is slowly becoming is far more near what i thought could be a good religion based on the bible.. no more counting hours and no more blindly following direction now they admit they are not inspired.. i would like to design a new sect inside the jws.
it has to be kept secret because the elders would not like it.. this new sect involves giving a tick every month or so saying you are still kindof active talking about the bible.. going to meetings occasionally and attending on zoom sometimes.
very rarely go to ministry groups but don’t ever do first call, just say you are doing street work and have a nice walk somewhere maybe the shops or the park.
My religion is Agnosticism inside the JW congregation.
Im open to the possibility of evolution and atheism but keep a hope that the Bibles promises may come true.
Hope for the best prepare for the worst
This way no regrets that you wasted your life believing something that wasn’t true as so many JWs go through in later life.
But I’m open to the possibility that God is real and he wrote the Bible, maybe some version of the Bibles promises will come true. Having this hope is comforting
If you were to design a new religion?
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inwhat the jw sect has become and is slowly becoming is far more near what i thought could be a good religion based on the bible.. no more counting hours and no more blindly following direction now they admit they are not inspired.. i would like to design a new sect inside the jws.
it has to be kept secret because the elders would not like it.. this new sect involves giving a tick every month or so saying you are still kindof active talking about the bible.. going to meetings occasionally and attending on zoom sometimes.
very rarely go to ministry groups but don’t ever do first call, just say you are doing street work and have a nice walk somewhere maybe the shops or the park.
If you feel like it give comments occasionally and even be on the school and give talks every now and then but this is not a requirement.
Most important part of this new secret sect inside the JW organisation is not to listen to the GB anymore now they have admitted they are not inspired and they are not infallible.
Do not follow the direction they give. Do not shun anyone ignore what they say. Do not tell kids to avoid further education if they want to go for it.
Do not listen to what they say instead look at what they do, invest in real estate and stack gold and silver.
plan for retirement, do not live as if their version of Armageddon is right around the corner.
But at the same time don’t lose your hope that the Bibles promises may come true and if the JWs are right then this new light says you could jump that side of the fence last minute.
Yes they have actually encouraged what I’m saying here without actually knowing how stupid they are sounding at this years AGM