2023 AGM changed everything. After covid in person ministry dropped right off. No more reporting hours was a necessary new light to hide this fact. But now in person ministry will drop off even more. Some won’t do anymore in person ministry ever again or hardly at all. This is the new JWLITE option.
Everyone loved zoom ministry, letter writing didn’t happen that much just a good old natter. I love zoom get togethers and the letter writing is just an excuse. Now we don’t have to go on in person ministry and nobody will know. But instead occasionally go to ministry groups and say you are going to do informal witnessing at shops or park. Then meet up for the coffee breaks.
Saturday morning groups can be something to look forward to as no more in person doors. Either informal witnessing which is an excuse to look around the shops or a nice walk around the park.
In person meetings are optional and sometimes very upbuilding and encouraging. But sometimes stay at home in your PJs on zoom without camera.
Ignore direction from the GB who tell you what to think instead of how to think. Far better this new JWLITE is to think for yourself. If someone is an evil person then I would shun them, but it will be my decision not because someone else told me to.
Any further direction from the GB needs to be thought about very carefully and then make your own mind up. And the new JWLITE option means you can voice your opinion that you don’t agree with the direction to take these injections or whatever. No thanks I’m going to disagree with the GB on this.
I also disagree about 1914. I don’t mind saying I think the GB are wrong about this and soon they will release new light that shows I was right.
If I am accused of causing devision in the congregation then I will say I’m feeling suicidal if I have a judicial committee. The new direction says no JD should take place while the person says it would make them suicidal.
So yes this new JWLITE can have all the good things with none of the bad things. If it turns out JW doctrine is wrong then you won’t look back with regret on a wasted life.
If JWs are right about all or at least a lot of things then your good either way as they now say last minute repentance