“The "last minute conversion" thing might be considered meatier, but it hasn't been confirmed yet by an official announcement.
Relaxing the rules on clothing styles is arguably a foreseeable next step.
Tertiary education is still seemingly being railed against, if that video of an elder being raked over the coals for his kid going to college is real.”
Next broadcast should release the new lite about last minute conversion, and that changed everything. No need to place your bets with GB or you will be killed at Armageddon, now you can wait to see if they were right before you place your bets.
The clothing thing is next, maybe sisters will have more options and brothers don’t always need to wear a tie and things like that depending on situations.
The education thing is very mysterious. There was supposedly a letter sent to some congregations saying they have warned about the dangers of further education but never made hard rules about it.
This letter has never had the original shown to people like Atlantis who are doing a brilliant work leaking letters and checking things. Many are saying the letter is bogus because not all elders have seen it. But I asked this guy and he says the letter is really from the USA branch.
see the letter about 6 mins into this video https://youtu.be/0v5i-I4fHFc?feature=shared