peacefulpete34 minutes ago
If evolution could be proved then it should be very simple and easy to prove.
My TV is real but don't expect a simple easy explanation for how it works
It is easy to prove your TV didn’t come about by chance🤭
the situation is many of us are pima and all putting on a front, sometimes saying something we don’t fully believe.
or at least are actually agnostic about but a hope that it’s true.. but it can be useful if someone is really going through a hard time or has something they are very worried about, to say things like well let’s hope there is not much longer of this old system.. this can be useful in an awkward situation where you just don’t know what to do or say.
it’s a little bit of hope that can help when there is nothing else.. my agnosticism just means i won’t look back over decades thinking i wasted my life.
If evolution could be proved then it should be very simple and easy to prove.
My TV is real but don't expect a simple easy explanation for how it works
It is easy to prove your TV didn’t come about by chance🤭
the situation is many of us are pima and all putting on a front, sometimes saying something we don’t fully believe.
or at least are actually agnostic about but a hope that it’s true.. but it can be useful if someone is really going through a hard time or has something they are very worried about, to say things like well let’s hope there is not much longer of this old system.. this can be useful in an awkward situation where you just don’t know what to do or say.
it’s a little bit of hope that can help when there is nothing else.. my agnosticism just means i won’t look back over decades thinking i wasted my life.
Im the kind of person who if I’m told there is a red car in the garage then I won’t either believe or not believe it’s there until I see it.
Good for you. Now go check the garage
I have been checking for decades. Many times there has been an announcement that the missing link has been found or finally they have found a half monkey half human fossil, but it’s always been debunked as fake
ever since the annual meeting last october and the letter to bodies of elders stating that "exceptional young men perhaps in their early 20's could qualify for appointment as elders.." it even states this in the updated elders manual!
have any of you pimo's, pimq's, or those on here with family/friends still in hear of any young men being appointed as elders yet?
i am talking 21, 22, 23, 24 etc.
PIMQ, is the Q standing for questioning?
I guess that’s very similar to PIMA mentally agnostic?
but it sounds like PIMQ is an early stage before you end up like me PIMA.
and to answer your questions no I’ve not heard of anyone in their early 20s becoming elders yet.
I wonder how they would cope with all the emotional problems in the congregations these days? It really does take a toll trying to keep up with shepherding.
the situation is many of us are pima and all putting on a front, sometimes saying something we don’t fully believe.
or at least are actually agnostic about but a hope that it’s true.. but it can be useful if someone is really going through a hard time or has something they are very worried about, to say things like well let’s hope there is not much longer of this old system.. this can be useful in an awkward situation where you just don’t know what to do or say.
it’s a little bit of hope that can help when there is nothing else.. my agnosticism just means i won’t look back over decades thinking i wasted my life.
There are two kinds of scientists those who seek the truth and those who seek to control the truth.
Like you I can dismantle any of the evolution origin of life theories but I would be very happy to jump that side of the fence if proof could be presented.
Im the kind of person who if I’m told there is a red car in the garage then I won’t either believe or not believe it’s there until I see it.
If evolution could be proved then it should be very simple and easy to prove. Instead it’s always overly complex explanatory attempts that really do go along the lines of only intelligent people can understand so just trust us scientists
the situation is many of us are pima and all putting on a front, sometimes saying something we don’t fully believe.
or at least are actually agnostic about but a hope that it’s true.. but it can be useful if someone is really going through a hard time or has something they are very worried about, to say things like well let’s hope there is not much longer of this old system.. this can be useful in an awkward situation where you just don’t know what to do or say.
it’s a little bit of hope that can help when there is nothing else.. my agnosticism just means i won’t look back over decades thinking i wasted my life.
ExB - you are intellectually dishonest. Enjoy life in your self- imposed thought bubble
Thats exactly what I thought about you but I wouldn’t voice it.
can you explain why you think I’m in a thought bubble when I openly declare I’m agnostic? This means if I see proof I will jump that side of the fence. Please show me irrefutable proof and I will not be agnostic anymore.
the situation is many of us are pima and all putting on a front, sometimes saying something we don’t fully believe.
or at least are actually agnostic about but a hope that it’s true.. but it can be useful if someone is really going through a hard time or has something they are very worried about, to say things like well let’s hope there is not much longer of this old system.. this can be useful in an awkward situation where you just don’t know what to do or say.
it’s a little bit of hope that can help when there is nothing else.. my agnosticism just means i won’t look back over decades thinking i wasted my life.
How can Exactly the same sort of genetic evidence that is used every day to prove paternity prove evolution?
the emperor’s clothes really are beautiful even though I can’t see them myself other people say so
the situation is many of us are pima and all putting on a front, sometimes saying something we don’t fully believe.
or at least are actually agnostic about but a hope that it’s true.. but it can be useful if someone is really going through a hard time or has something they are very worried about, to say things like well let’s hope there is not much longer of this old system.. this can be useful in an awkward situation where you just don’t know what to do or say.
it’s a little bit of hope that can help when there is nothing else.. my agnosticism just means i won’t look back over decades thinking i wasted my life.
That 40 pieces of evidence is exactly the emperor’s new clothes. Just believe he has clothes on because we say he does.
I like to think I have critical thinking skills.
Please give me the one best possible piece of evidence of evolution
not 40 vague ones, just the one best one?
former jw chorus member, original song performer and jw movie actor by day (and nightclub singer by night, not a bethelite & never was) nicolas king still hasn't come out about his sexuality or 'spiritual standing', although the clues have been accumulating for some time.
some new ones to add to the list...... you might remember fellow jw singer alex ashley, with whom he partnered last year for a concert.. .
well later that year (2022) alex ashley posted this intriguing message to facebook:.
The funny thing was his character he played in the JW movie was pro gay.
His lines were all about acceptance and tolerance. As long as you do no harm then accept whatever 🤭
original reddit post (removed).
If Tibor has been fired or will be soon then he is free to spill even more beans.
Very similar to ToMo the turd being let go what is to stop him spilling the beans?
the situation is many of us are pima and all putting on a front, sometimes saying something we don’t fully believe.
or at least are actually agnostic about but a hope that it’s true.. but it can be useful if someone is really going through a hard time or has something they are very worried about, to say things like well let’s hope there is not much longer of this old system.. this can be useful in an awkward situation where you just don’t know what to do or say.
it’s a little bit of hope that can help when there is nothing else.. my agnosticism just means i won’t look back over decades thinking i wasted my life.
It all comes down to proof.
@PIMA - Have you tested this statement to see if it is true?
See what I'm saying? If your truth statement about poof, can't be proven then it contradicts itself and logically should rejected by its own standard.
Yes constantly testing and challenging. If there is no proof then I’m correct to remain agnostic. This is no contradiction this is the very essence of what agnostic is at its core.
Have been challenging many on here to prove evolution and it always comes down to the emperors clothes con.
Cofty just says you need to read more science books and implies you are just not smart enough to see the invisible clothes.
I challenge once again anyone please provide proof of evolution where is the simple pithy proof? Where is the fossils or the archeological findings that can prove evolution?
Please don’t revert back to the emperors new clothes con.