The argument about how amazing DNA is and how it can be traced right back is sometimes used by evolutionists as an argument for chance and also used by the intelligent design crowd.
Sometime the more amazing we discover that biology is the more in the intelligent Design crowd say this proves it couldn’t be chance.
Some new scientists now say it had to have intelligence behind but the old school still believe Darwin’s theories or new updated theories.
A good book to read is Darwin’s first theory by Rob Wesson to really get you thinking.
Rob Wesson is a geologist. To quote him “ I’ve spent a career studying earthquakes. I’ve earned my living puzzling about them. They fascinate me. I’m an earthquake guy. But it’s not just earthquakes. It’s mountains and glaciers and volcanoes and floods and sea level and climate. I am captivated by the way the earth changes. How it’s changed in the past and how it will change in the future. And, in truth, it’s not only geology. It’s how Homo sapiens deals with these changes in particular.”
Excerpt From
Darwin's First Theory
Rob Wesson
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