As I've said for years (and I can't understand why others here on this forum don't get it) age demographics is everything. The Organization is dying, not because of the lack of interest from worldly people, donations or the child abuse allegations ... but only because Witnesses can't keep their kids in the truth. The Faith is very, very quickly becoming an old people's retirement village. Of course, the other factors do matter, but without new blood its doomed. You can bank on it.
nozombie the current crop of top dogs will have all lived out their days in luxury by that time.
but the next next governing body will certainly have a hard time with not many young ones staying in.
in our congregation one young brother who was a poster boy has been told he has to answer up more, he has to come on the ministry and be regular at the meetings.
the truth is he only comes to meetings couple times a month never answers up and never goes on the ministry. All the hopes were on him to set the example but he is not interested
the truth is he is still doing the best out of all the other young ones nobody’s doing any better
I think this is true all around the world. Except for some home schooled children who are just weird