My conclusion is that having a spiritual hope of some kind is like a placebo that may not be a placebo or maybe it is, either way it’s helping you.
JoinedPosts by ExBethelitenowPIMA
My conclusion on the matter
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inafter being brought up a jw, going to mts, bethel, pioneer school multiple times, serving in foreign assignments and having been an elder for decades my conclusion is that i am now pima, physically in mentally agnostic.. agnostic means you think it can’t be proven either way creation or evolution.
i do tend to lean towards evolution but creation at the very start because you can’t get life from dead matter.
but i’m open to the possibility of chance theory at the origin of it all.
Things are really heating up are the world
My conclusion on the matter
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inafter being brought up a jw, going to mts, bethel, pioneer school multiple times, serving in foreign assignments and having been an elder for decades my conclusion is that i am now pima, physically in mentally agnostic.. agnostic means you think it can’t be proven either way creation or evolution.
i do tend to lean towards evolution but creation at the very start because you can’t get life from dead matter.
but i’m open to the possibility of chance theory at the origin of it all.
I think there may even be the majority of those still in are having the attitude that it may be true but may not be.
They are staying in for the association.
I remember volunteering for BRD in Chelmsford and there is something very special about the JW brotherhood
My conclusion on the matter
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inafter being brought up a jw, going to mts, bethel, pioneer school multiple times, serving in foreign assignments and having been an elder for decades my conclusion is that i am now pima, physically in mentally agnostic.. agnostic means you think it can’t be proven either way creation or evolution.
i do tend to lean towards evolution but creation at the very start because you can’t get life from dead matter.
but i’m open to the possibility of chance theory at the origin of it all.
Just met up with an old friend whose family grew up with mine.
I remember when the first Harry Potter came out their family loved it and all the books. In our congregation it was sort of frowned upon.
My old friend sort of said yes well it worth keeping these things quiet if it stumbles others. They said it so great being part of the congregation and the worldwide brotherhood even if it’s not true it’s worth it being a part of it all.
I remember having a good talk all those decades ago and now I think about it, I was kind of more PIMI than PIMO back then but this entire family was more PIMO then PIMI.
Only now do I realise and it really clicked with me. Now we talk about it openly that we just don’t know if the Bible is true and if it is are JWs nearest to the truth. We both admit to being more mentally not sure than mentally in.
But even after all these years they still choose to stay physically in and put on an act all these years. Go through motions but never lie, just say things like won’t it be wonderful when the Bibles promises come true however that may happen, or something like that. I don’t want to take that away from anyone and don’t want anyone to take that from me.
I wonder how many of the 8 million active pubs are like we are now?
My conclusion on the matter
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inafter being brought up a jw, going to mts, bethel, pioneer school multiple times, serving in foreign assignments and having been an elder for decades my conclusion is that i am now pima, physically in mentally agnostic.. agnostic means you think it can’t be proven either way creation or evolution.
i do tend to lean towards evolution but creation at the very start because you can’t get life from dead matter.
but i’m open to the possibility of chance theory at the origin of it all.
Cofty you are trying to put me in a box and I will not be put into one. As this thread says my conclusion of the matter is it may be true or it may not be, there is probably more to the story than we could ever understand.
As I have said many times if you can’t prove if the origin of everything was by chance or design then you are by definition agnostic.
This means that all JWs, Muslim, Jews, Buddhists, every other belief system including atheists are all agnostic even though they don’t know it.
Im just at the end the conclusion of the matter.
Some have absolute faith and confidence in their beliefs either chance or design they have absolute conviction and their reasoning makes sense to them. But they are still agnostic by true definition because they can’t provide irrefutable proof of which one was the origin- chance or design.
I have not lost hope that there was intelligent design involved and maybe the intelligent design had something to do with the Bible. It maybe true or it may not be, I won’t be put into a box.
My conclusion on the matter
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inafter being brought up a jw, going to mts, bethel, pioneer school multiple times, serving in foreign assignments and having been an elder for decades my conclusion is that i am now pima, physically in mentally agnostic.. agnostic means you think it can’t be proven either way creation or evolution.
i do tend to lean towards evolution but creation at the very start because you can’t get life from dead matter.
but i’m open to the possibility of chance theory at the origin of it all.
I do not refute the claim about DNA common ancestors so why discuss that? My entire point is that could be the case with chance or design. This is my point, why is there any dispute about this?
I am at the end after all that where I feel I do have freedom of thought and cognitive dissonance does not apply to me because my conclusion is that neither chance or design at the very start can be proven. I’m not on either side, so I can’t be accused of ignoring one side in favour of the other.
If you put yourself into one of those two boxes then cognitive dissonance definitely applies. You read books that support your belief system and ignore or overlook what goes against you
My conclusion on the matter
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inafter being brought up a jw, going to mts, bethel, pioneer school multiple times, serving in foreign assignments and having been an elder for decades my conclusion is that i am now pima, physically in mentally agnostic.. agnostic means you think it can’t be proven either way creation or evolution.
i do tend to lean towards evolution but creation at the very start because you can’t get life from dead matter.
but i’m open to the possibility of chance theory at the origin of it all.
cofty4 minutes ago
Go back and read my original offer and stop lying
Cofty I am not lying I’m just not interested in talking about what you want to talk about I think it has zero relevance to proving chance or design theory.
You are obviously not wanting to talk about this and I don’t want to talk about what you keep talking for reasons I have made clear, it makes no difference either way. Zero relevance either way.
My conclusion on the matter
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inafter being brought up a jw, going to mts, bethel, pioneer school multiple times, serving in foreign assignments and having been an elder for decades my conclusion is that i am now pima, physically in mentally agnostic.. agnostic means you think it can’t be proven either way creation or evolution.
i do tend to lean towards evolution but creation at the very start because you can’t get life from dead matter.
but i’m open to the possibility of chance theory at the origin of it all.
TonusOH3 hours ago
Big Dog: The lawlessness that often accompanies a breakdown in social order can certainly make one wonder if humans are truly moral creatures.
That's an interesting point. Experience tells us that a surprising number of people will put aside their morals when faced with an opportunity to do so in apparent safety. This is especially true if the opportunity allows them some kind of moral 'wiggle room' (such as harming someone who is "deserving"). Our morality is almost never a black/white construct- it is wrapped in layers of understanding“
Tonus and Bigdog your posts really got me thinking. In fact I can’t stop thinking about your points you made there.
If you once believed in intelligent design as the origin of everything then go over to believe chance as the origin then who is to say what is right and wrong?
After all we are just the same as the animals we evolved from and they think nothing of morality- murder, rape and torture for fun.
If it all began by chance and there is no purpose or meaning it was all just an accident blind chance that we are here then why bother to do what is right? Why not be like the animal kingdom that we evolved from?
This is where I find it hard to believe in the chance theory as the origin of everything because humans are distinctly different from animals and we have a conscience.
My conclusion on the matter
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inafter being brought up a jw, going to mts, bethel, pioneer school multiple times, serving in foreign assignments and having been an elder for decades my conclusion is that i am now pima, physically in mentally agnostic.. agnostic means you think it can’t be proven either way creation or evolution.
i do tend to lean towards evolution but creation at the very start because you can’t get life from dead matter.
but i’m open to the possibility of chance theory at the origin of it all.
With all due respect Cofty I can see you want to talk about something else entirely, I can see this by your post here -“ Calling evolution by natural selection 'chance theory'”
So do you admit that it is possible to believe in evolution through natural selection and intelligent design at the same time? Is that what you are agreeing with? If not what do you mean?
I have said many times that evolution theory or DNA coming from common ancestry may well have some truth to it but that doesn’t answer the question about which box you are in 1. Chance or 2. Design responsible for the absolute origin of everything.
You don’t seem to want to talk about what this thread is all about and that’s fine with me. I don’t try to refute your argument about DNA it may well have some truth to it, or maybe not. But it doesn’t matter either way to what this thread is all about.
I still maintain this statement chance or design can’t be proven and if you agree with this statement then you are also agnostic by true definition
My conclusion on the matter
by ExBethelitenowPIMA inafter being brought up a jw, going to mts, bethel, pioneer school multiple times, serving in foreign assignments and having been an elder for decades my conclusion is that i am now pima, physically in mentally agnostic.. agnostic means you think it can’t be proven either way creation or evolution.
i do tend to lean towards evolution but creation at the very start because you can’t get life from dead matter.
but i’m open to the possibility of chance theory at the origin of it all.
Why is pathetic if you sounded like you had some new proof?
I said yes please when you sounded like you had something interesting and new to share to do with what we were talking about the origin of everything?
But then your next post you said as long as it’s not to do with the origin of everything? Well that is pathetic.
very good attempt to derail the discussion Cofty but your attempt to take it over to a different track failed.