be a lamb here or a skined lame there
where is the hot tub....?
from an article about tonight's state of the union speech by bush:.
he proposed a new homeland security corps of emergency respondents to disasters and an expansion of the peace corps to more than double its size -- to 15,000 volunteers.
one goal will be to encourage development and education in the islamic world.
be a lamb here or a skined lame there
where is the hot tub....?
wts has not a single evidences and even logical prove that anyone gave them any authority whatsoever.
no religion has it anyway.
wts has made more mistakes than possible any other religion in the world!.
Me! I listen to them, became one then daed myself. The only thing I did right was da myself.
would you happen to know a lynn and chris, she teaches line dancing and he is a carpenter... gilwarrior if you come to lv, e mail me and i'll have you over for tea .
would you happen to know a lynn and Chris, she teaches line dancing and he is a carpenter..
Gilwarrior if you come to LV, e mail me and I'll have you over for tea
if so how big?
we are having some friends we met on the internet from bristol planning to visit us in las vegas in june, 2002.. if you are from there then you may be acquaintenances.. thanks
If so how big? Why,? we are having some friends we met on the internet from Bristol planning to visit us in Las Vegas in June, 2002.
If you are from there then you may be acquaintenances.
i was wondering what appeals to most about choosing to become a jw so i would like to leave you with some questions to answer (and yes this is serious q1.was it due to family q2.due to depression or loss of a loved one q3.looking for a purpose in life q4.everlatsing life q5.drugs or alcohol or mental illness q6.lack of bible understanding q7.easily persuaded q8.needed friends well thats alll 4 now i am just trying to find out what religious people have in common, because i seem to notice alot of religious people i know seem to have the same personality traits such as depression,mental illness,weird,very boring,insane,narrow minded,and you know the rest i guess?
When I was young and had a family the teachings of the paradise was what caught out attention. The point that the earth was created for man and blah,blah,blah. It was the ideal thing we were looking for to give our children the gift of eternal life through jesus, but like all fairy tales they come to an end... where you were lost in the sharp colors of life the colors begin tofade and the pages crummble due to reading over and over the same tales only with the ending changing with each passing decade. It is only so many times one can have the end change until one starts to question the prince; Did I kiss a toad and it turned into an Prince or princess, or did I just kiss a princess and she turned into a frog.
My fairy tale crummbled and there was not anyone around able to prove the tale was true anymore.
I questioned the story and the witness shut the book on me.
this year i have learned so much and what i keep being taught repeatedly through experience this time instead of what someone tells me, is that much of what the society taught us about the world and many of the things in it is pure nonsence!.
i'm just giving one example for now even though there are many.. my son who is in elementary school has over a period of time expressed a desire to do something extracurricular.. oh the shame!!!.
now out of all the different things out there we chose karate.. jws frown on this because its a form of self defence, a competitive sport and they have labeled it and all martial arts in fact as demonized.. he is learning shotokan karate.he loves it and not one demon or demonized thing has happened so far and never will.. in fact i like what they are teaching my son.. this saying is on the wall of the school or dojo,.
tera, thanks for brining that out , hell I was trying to think what in the hell Flip was talking about...hahahahahLOLROTF icouldn't connect karate with singing hahaha.
this year i have learned so much and what i keep being taught repeatedly through experience this time instead of what someone tells me, is that much of what the society taught us about the world and many of the things in it is pure nonsence!.
i'm just giving one example for now even though there are many.. my son who is in elementary school has over a period of time expressed a desire to do something extracurricular.. oh the shame!!!.
now out of all the different things out there we chose karate.. jws frown on this because its a form of self defence, a competitive sport and they have labeled it and all martial arts in fact as demonized.. he is learning shotokan karate.he loves it and not one demon or demonized thing has happened so far and never will.. in fact i like what they are teaching my son.. this saying is on the wall of the school or dojo,.
my son took up Savat karate, he just lovesit. He has progressed to a brown belt and the classes has drawn him out of his shell.
When we left the "order of the witnesses", that is the fisrt thing he joined and he was in his senior year in high school.
good for your son. and there isn't anything demonized about the dojo, kees, or the bowing before the matches just shows respect for the combatants and the area of competition..
scroll down and find religious organizations and the good ole WTBTS is focused on as what we know it.
there was over a million hits on this sight.
good place to post our disagreements with the org.
i phoned a friend of mine this evening.
we keep in touch at least once a week and her and her sister (both jw's) have been to visit us for the weekend several times now.
i took the chance and brought up the un thing with her... her immediate reaction?
what you have just posted is the reason I stay nausiated when I find things out and would like to tell my JW daughter and son--in --law, but knowing they are just brain dead and I am getting to the point that I have a hard time coming to this board any more ... It is as if you have the key to life and want to give it away, yet you can't get any interest in the gift.OOOh how discouraging.
i think that at this point it may imperitive that many on this message board thinks about having legal insurance.
we all have so many things to make us angry, and possibly things that are things that could be taken up in court.
whether it be a suit due to our own situation or even to think about a class action is something that each and everyone of us might consider.
ok, let's do the American thing...let's sue them,matter of fact let's have a class action suit...I'll throw in five dollars.