alanv-The main change in recent years in JW land is for members to stop trying to defend their faith by themselves, but rather to point people to the jw website.
I remember when this type of thing would be cause for someone to be 'spiritually weak'. Now its the norm.So easy to search your spiritual 'symptom' - 'question' into the search bar on the site and get an answer that "tickles the ears".
The absolute sheer irony. And quite the flip.
Smartphones have already changed the world we live in. jw,jew,movie star, politics, kids, teens, colleges, lawyers, ect ect ect......
It has been and continues to be an unstoppable force. The GB simply had to no choice but to modify to fit in with the new technology. Seems they've always liked to stay on the fringes of modern with out being "modern". This was/is to big a global shift.
I guess in paradise selfies will be real popular as everyone grows younger "New videos on jworg about this and that one growing younger". "Submit your 'growing younger' process to jworg and be featured in the '1000 year Reign Times". LOL" Brother Smith grows half his leg back in two months, Stay tuned to see next months article on Sister Davis as the last of her multiple personalities merge into one." LOL
I think smartphones for jws probably cause a paradoxical mixture of guilt and another cognitive dissonance item in the bag.