LuvUni- I think learning the bible is good in the same way learning Shakespeare is good.
Adamio and Eveiette, The Taming of the Gomorrah, A Midsummer Nights Concubine Dream, MacChrist, Julius Caesar Saturday Service Donuts, Hamlets Mother The Immaculate conception, Alls Well That Ends Well At Armageddon, .............. And my favorite bible Shakespeare parody , Alls Well That Ends Well In The Judaical Committee. I think I may have insulted Shakespeare's works. "E TU Bruhova" ?
EverApostate-Even after becoming an Atheist, I read the Bible to amuse myself.
Funny I've read more of it out, than I ever did in. It's rather hysterical , Son of , son of, son of, son of, The song of Solomon could be the new '50 Shades Of Grey'. Sodom and Gomorrah could turn into a comical play of "My Gay Ass is on Fire".
Needed a laugh this afternoon.
I think it might be best read as a form of torture.