This topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).
Latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which I don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist. The incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.
First, the best tracking sites appear to be:
Even here in Calgary, where there are zero known cases, everywhere is sold-out of hand-sanitizer although places do have rubbing alcohol spray which is just as good (if not better). People are probably just looking for the "hand sanitizer" label so if you haven't got any already, that's maybe something to look for. Don't just look in the "obvious" places as I think they tend to sell out first - people go to Shoppers for drugs and medicine for instance, and maybe don't think of the Dollar Store, or Staples. Looking in the non-obvious stores sometimes works but it can just be a case of being lucky and there when they have stocked shelves.
At some point though, there will be too much demand for things and they won't be able to stock shelves any more.
Face masks are also sold out everywhere and I think those are going to be more difficult to get hold of. It's worth trying though as you never know. Look for N95 or N99 rated ones. Check if you have a pack of masks in your tools from a painting project, they may do if things get bad.
Now may be the time to stock up on provisions before any truly mass-panic strikes. Canned foods, beans, chilli, tuna, spam, whatever you can eat in an emergency and will last a while. Also worth getting water (just in case services stop) and things like rice - easy to make some solid meals from. Get some chocolate as well, just because it's nice having a treat!
If you need medication of any kind, make sure you have it. Things like plasters, bandages, pain-killers too - you want to be self-sufficient, not having to go out if you don't have to (and reconsider dangerous activities - now really isn't the time to risk being in a hospital is it?!)
There are still a lot of unknowns. Some reports are that it may be on a par with a bad seasonal flu. But other reports show people collapsing and dying, so I don't think it can just be dismissed.
Say safe people!