JoinedPosts by revdrjohnson
christian millenial fellowship
by musky inhas anyone ever received the magazine from the christian millenial fellowship?
was just wondering what others thought of it.
i enjoyed reading it.
Jehovah is a black man!
by Nemesis ini've just found this funny story on the bbc web site, love these comments from jehovah.. i am a poor man with more than 95 children to feed.
look at these children - they have not eaten anything this morning .
the 77-year-old jehovah has more than 25 wives, some as young as 16, who have produced his 95 children.. we had no choice but to hand over more money to 'god', whose children were hungry for earthly food.
Actually, you don' have to go that far . . .
There's a Church here in Detroit pastored by a man who calls himself "YHWH". His son is Yehudah ben YHWH
I heard him preaching in a park,in Jacksonville, FL., more than 20 years ago. He quoted the OT, and wherever the Bible said "God" or "the Lord," this guy would say "I"
Keep the Faith
An e-mail I received this morning
by borgfree ina friend sent this to me this morning.
i know this kind of e-mail is circulated a lot, and maybe this one has, but i have not seen it before.. as one of jehovah's witnesses i would have simply ignored the message in this e-mail.
now as an ex-jw i see it in a totally different way.
Hey, Zig . . .
Long time!I'd call "Daniel" a RADICAL EVANGELIST!!!
I've met a few like him, and they're always a joy.
Met a brother two weeks ago who travels with a replica of the Ark of the Covenant in his van, and uses it as a Ministry tool. The encounter left me so BLESSED that I was on fire for an hour.
I am in a series preparing three young ministers for ordination, in December. This is their second semester, and we are studying Evangelism. The class is tonight. I was just about to leave my office, and decided to stop by here for a couple of minutes. Your posting is RIGHT ON TIME -- it will be a good opener for this evening!!
By the way, wanna see some RADICAL tracts? Check out the "Store" at
P. S.
SF . . .God has definitely NOT abandoned you! He's been DYING to talk to you, for a long time, but He needs you to be still so you can hear His voice.
Keep the Faith
Need help with 607 date & false prophet scr...
by Leander inin about 2 or 3 weeks i'll be stepping down as a ms and leaving the wts for good.
but before i do so i'm trying to prepare some information in regards to the 607 date and numerous false prophecies (predictions).
in particular i was hoping someone could give me some information on the following:.
Though he is unlikely to accept it, the most authoritative work on the dating of biblical prophecies in Daniel and Revelation is Carl Olof Johsson's [i]"Gentile TImes Reconsidered"[/]
Click on the banner at the top of this page, next to the logo, and you will be taken to Commentary Press, where you can buy Jnsson's book for about $15
ALso the Encyclopedia Judaiaca and Jewish Encyclopedia both verify that the JEWS consider 586 B. C. to be the correct date for the siege of Jerusalem
Third thing that I have had success with is to go to and type "607 b.c." in the status line. That yielded some good non-partisan articles on the subject -- including Lambert Dolphin's chronology
Keep the Faith
Are there other religions w similar beliefs to WTS
by Leander inin particular the belief that the soul does die at death, (its not eternally tormented) belief in a paradise hope and other similar doctrines of the wts.. i'm curious as to just how unique the wts is.
they claim to be the only ones with their particular set of beliefs but its something that i never really researched all the years that i've been a jw.
All of the following groups are "Conditionalists"
Church of God of the Abrahamic Faith a.k.a., Church of God General
Conference ( Drabenstott. The Church of God of the Abrahamic Faith: A Brief
Christadelphians Adventist
web site., L. E. (1948) The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers.
Washington, D. C.: Review and Herald Publishing.Froom, L. E. (1948) The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers: The
Historical Development of Prophetic Interpretation. Vol. Washington, D. C.: Review and Herald Publishing.-- (1946) The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers: The Historical
Development of Prophetic Interpretation. Vol. 3 Washington, D. C.:
Review and Herald Publishing-- (1954) The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers: The Historical
Development of Prophetic Interpretation. Vol. 4. (3 sections)
Washington, D. C.: Review and Herald PublishingBible Students the Faith
a positive story about a jw
by peaceloveharmony inokay, i thought since us apostates have been called bitter and angry and unable to see both sides of an issue lately i'd share a positive story about a sister in my old congregation.. this sister was my best friend's grandma.
she was in general just a kind sweet grandma type woman.
every year, she'd put together a "give away.
In my forthcoming autobiography, "From Kingdom Hall to Kingdom Call," I have a chapter entitled "The Kingdom Hall." There's an excerpt, here:
The purpose of this chapter is to show that underneath the people at the Kingdom Hall are really just people: And some of them -- very nice -- were part of a very important part of my life and will always be fondly remembered.
Keep the Faith
All the other JW related boards
by ballistic inare there 1000's all over the net just waiting to be found?.
at the moment, i'm only aware of "beyond j w" where i started and various communities such as belief net and jw discussion areas on aol etc, and obviously kents new board.
does anyone have a list?.
There's a list of 'em here:
And here: here here the Faith
by Elders_Kid init would seem to me that an organization that preaches so strongly about brotherly love could be so prejudice.. i have been d/f for just about seven years, and it wasn't until a couple of years ago that this occured to me.
remember how we couldn't spend time with people from school because they were "bad association"?
or you werent supposed to spend too much time with "worldly" relatives because they might be a bad influence?.
The same thing happened to me at my mother's funeral, back in 1988.
Thing is, my stepfather had told my DF'd sister to come -- which I had said emphatically we wouldn't be welcomed -- even though the "After-party" was at another JWs house. She said he'd checked and double-checked, and told her it was OK to come. So -- against my best judgement -- we showed up.
Faith was the spinster granddaughter of the family where we used to go for Book Study. She was the one who approached us and asked us to leave. My "worldly" cousins were with us, but stayed for the grub.
Outside, my aunt pulled up for the eats; and saw us waiting outside Faith's house for a cab (We'd rode to the funeral with my natural father, and he dropped us off at Faith's grandparents' home). She basically told us that we knew better and should get over it!
Bottom line is I was evicted from the Wake for MY OWN MOTHER! Even though she wasn't good enough to be memorialized at her KH -- we had to go to the funeral home and listen to the elder drone mumble through his speech.
"By their FRUITS you will know them!"
Keep the Faith
We would OTHERWISE sound like ex-cins
by revdrjohnson iniwas the executive director of a mission/shelter for just over four years; then lived in one for a couple of months.. during that time i met many ex-cons, who would congregate and share "war stories" about when they were in the joint[b], the way we exes do about when we were [b]in the b'org.. the only real difference, as i see it, is that the prisons (at least here in michigan) assign you an inmate number which is yours for life.
if there are subsequent incarcerations, the system changes the number by affixing an alphabetical character to the original number -- so that prisoner #1234567, becomes prisoner #a1234567 the second time he is incarcerated, #b1234567 the second ... and so on.. it occured to me, a minute ago, that if the b'org had given us publisher id #s we might actually have a whole lot in common with those who have been incarcerated.. keep the faith.
Hadn't thought about the impact the transportation project might have on the Denny's crew!
Or maybe even on OUR staffers who drive the vans.
Maybe we'll just have to fergit about THAT plan!
No, seriously, LDH (LOL) we're just kicking around several ideas for projects to get involved in
Keep the Faith
Advice on parking lot accident
by bboyneko inin the following scenario, who is at fault:.
a parked vehicle (car a) has just parked.
the driver gets out, and the passenger starts to get out a little after the driver does.
bboyneko said:
exactly..was it safe to open the door when my car was parked? Was it safe to open it into another spot? The kicker is the passenger side door was open and did not extend into the other didnt go past the parking boundry. The other car shouldnt even have hit it, but he did.
Ex-ACT-ly!The "obscure law" that Mustang mentions is true in a lotta states -- but it applies to opening a door INTO TRAFFIC the assumption being that you should use your mirror before opening a door.
Your door was already opened!
And I wouldn't settle out of court, even if I didn't have liability:
Again, ill try to settle out of court otherwise im gonna try to get as much cash as possible out of that stupid insurance company
Whether YOU have liability or not is not the issue -- you should have the right to sue HIS liability company, because HE HIT YOU!!! Even if you have "no fault" insurance, your company should be able to issue a claim against his -- otherwise take him to Small Claims Court (Hey, Judge Joe Brown!!!)Did the police respond? If so, you have the weight of the police (or "MALL SECURITY") report to buffer your case.
Keep the Faith