JoinedTopics Started by Fadeaway1962
Former elders did you ever ?
by Fadeaway1962 inhi did any former elders ever suggest that bro & sis should go to the police?.
there was a group of sis with various health conditions and on medications had a gathering and drank a lot wine , one of the sister physically assaulted another sis , myself and a another elder were assigned to deal with it after hearing what happened i said to the sis she could contact the police the other elder a lot older gave me a dirty look , the sis said i trust you bro to deal with it .. i think that's why witnesses don't get the police involved because we have been convinced that we can trust the elders and the organisation , and to trust and have faith that god knows all the facts and can read hearts and will deal with it in his time scale and encouraged to leave it with him and not to bring reproach on his name..
Spiritual counseling
by Fadeaway1962 inhttps://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/02/04/high-court-judge-jehovahs-witnesses-prioritised-spiritual-counselling/.
found this not sure if whole article have to subscribe a follow on for bbc news articles today.
How the hell did Tony Morris get to be a GB member.
by JimmyYoung inthis guy was not a born in and did not really work his way up from the very bottom.
he kind of got some kind of fast track.
its a bit strange.
The end is so close now....
by punkofnice inaren't they tiring out from saying this now?.
a jobo pimi-lite i know has a terminal illness (no names, no pack drill), was told, 'hold on, the end is so close.
the pimi-lite said they will need to hold on to their 'go bags(tm), then!.
How many here believe the WTS really has has 8.5 million followers / 8.5. million members
by Hotpepper ini think it's closer to 5 million with all the selling of kingdom hells and branch bethel's all over the world.
it's even hard to get a hard copy of the lastest craptower or afake mag now in new york city..
Franklin Graham event axed
by Fadeaway1962 inbbc news: franklin graham's glasgow event axed after council pressure .
i saw this on the bbc and thought you should see it:franklin graham's glasgow event axed after council pressure - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-51302490 .
hi been looking on here for a while now , been a great help in finding ttatt so thanks for that .seen this wonder if assembly venues aware off jws view and stand on these issues and others like child abuse cover up .
"Do you believe that the 'faithful slave' is God's channel of communication?"
by The Fall Guy inif a jw had the nerve to ask me this question, i'd say to them, "you go first.
using only scriptural proof, show me why you believe that the wtbts/ccojw is god's choice and i'll tell you if i agree with your scriptural reasoning.".
wait for the silence and the rabbit in the headlights moment.. i searched on the wt cd rom for references of "channel of communication.".
Irish JW Who's Husband Was Cheating Suffers DF'd & Shunning
by BroMac inhttp://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/ireland/2012/0306/1224312851835.html.
claim by jehovah's witness dismissed - the irish times - tue, mar 06, 2012.
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Watchtower admits false prophesy in Court of Law!
by digderidoo ina false prophesy was promulgated?
q. it had to be accepted by jehovah's witnesses?
q. error?
Elders told: Watch for the signs!
by ozziepost infrom the audio of the kms posted by kent the other day, it's enlightening to listen to the talk on the inactive.
watch for the tell-tale signs the elders are to look for in the notes that follow:.
congregation book study overseers assisting the inactive.