Brushed under the carpet for 30 years,
Hope the iicsa are made aware of this for Monday. .
brushed under the carpet for 30 years, .
hope the iicsa are made aware of this for monday..
Brushed under the carpet for 30 years,
Hope the iicsa are made aware of this for Monday.
i sat in recently with some relatives for the sunday meeting.
the talk was given by a bethel speaker, who at one point quoted john 20:25.
“but he said to them: “unless i see in his hands the print of the nails and stick my finger into the print of the nails and stick my hand into his side, i will never believe it.”.
The Romans execution method was to use a cross member not because of any religious meaning but as a way of a slow tortuous death which was meant to take 2-3 days for the person to die as a example to others.
They also commented that some have been known to survive and that if the person known as Jesus was taken down after 6 hour's he could have possibly survived and then people would claim a resurection .
and this isn't a cult?
just saw my wife put on her name tag for the zoom assembly.... what the what?
i thought these things werent even live.
For the last few Sunday's mornings my family members have been putting on WhatsApp pictures of themselves dressed up , badges on , pre assembly bacon rolls , reviews of the program and news paper articles of assembly's being streamed , pretending that they are at the assembly .
It's a controlling cult and they can't , won't acknowledging how daft it all is.
i hear that all wt payroll personal in the uk are now in full lockdown/sheilding mode until november..
Released in time for the special campaign in November to publicize god kingdom, special watchtower.
Limited time is left before god's kingdom crushes all authority in opposition to it .
i'm new to the forum.
i'm an ex-jw who actually faded from jws.
i'm here to drop by every once in a while to ask a question or two.
So do some believe that a perfect all powerful ,all knowing god started the evolutionary process and took hundreds of thousands of years till he got to a perfect couple and then they mess it all up ?
dear brothers, july 27, 2020. in 1919, the president of the watchtower society made a bold prediction, “millions now living will never die”.
that quotation was constantly repeated by the organization till the year 2000 when they realized that everyone in attendance at that assembly, who listened to j.r. rutherford repeat those words, are dead.. that teaching has guided my life.
statements were repeatedly made at assemblies, conventions and in print that there was no career in “this system of things” so you don’t need a job with benefits or retirement, your fulltime job is to “preach the good news”!
A thoughtful and kind but to the point letter , why not include article 9 of your basic human rights.
Right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, the right to change his religion or belief and freedom.
As the org would like to be applied to the JWs in Russia so they can practice their beliefs in freedom .
i was six, not given any choice.
i remember being in the old kh, and my dad told me the brothers wanted to talk to me in the back...i was terrified.
i actually thought they knew i didn’t want to be a dub, my dad told them to just add me as a publisher, so no back room meeting.
About 6-7 when you could charge for the mags it was how my father got us out on a Saturday because we could keep the extra charge for the public, saved him giving us pocket money and as a kid people felt sorry for you and sometimes gave extra ,spent on sweets 😀😁
do you think there is a group or individuals that have taken the role as slave class and fulfilled the requirement?
think they all failed miserable.
But If there were a slave class they have fulfilled there role by physiological manipulation and coercive control and other types of abuses. .
And country's like Pakistan, Egypt, Iran , turkey, Sudan, Saudi Arabia etc with over 90% of there population are Muslim are going to let the UN to stop them worshiping Allah .
And as biahi said kids should not be exposed to videos like that,and would not be allowed to watch such videos if produced by anyone else.
there's yet another talk to add to the list of talks written specifically for damage control against "apostates".
the speaker says, "some who were once part of the christian congregation attempt to mislead us", that they tell "false accusations" & "lies".
to combat this, he says that you should "protect your ears from damaging noise by not listening to it", comparing it to wearing "noise canceling headphones".
A narcissistic abuser will project their bad conduct on their victims and blame them , so the governing body is misleading and making false accusations and lying to their followers .
I think that they know exactly what they are doing ,a narcissist will never admit that they are wrong and will deny any evidence that clearly proves them wrong as lies.