Double standards
Lack of following theocatic direction especially among the elders.
there are numerous experiences you might see once getting involved with the jws.. things that come to mind are as follows ........... getting lied to by dishonest men (gb) running an unregulated religoius publishing house.
these men created an apostate (commercialized) version of the gospel of jesus and the new to come kingdom order, many from both inside and outside of the organization are starting to realize that .. your mostly likely are getting to be pressured and quilted into spreading about the wts's literature to the public in hours of service as they describe it, with all the attached false doctrines this organization's top leaders make.. you will be closely monitored by congregation elders to how you dress, the length of you hair your attendance, who you are associating with, what are you doing in your private social life etc.. you will most likely going to hear about people who were somehow associated with the organization have committed suicide.
Double standards
Lack of following theocatic direction especially among the elders.
in many closed religious cults, sects or globally widely spread religions, sexual abuse on big scale is revealed and covered up by the religious authorities.
in the jw, the culture is to deal with these matters within the org itself, and the rule is, "no crime can be proven without the presentation of at least two witnesses".
men made the rules, men commit these crimes and men defend them and even forse these children to meet and talk to their abusers.
Thinkforyourself welcome
It's physiological manipulation and coercive control that we were instructed that the governing body were directed by god and knew what was best for us , even if we felt it was wrong ,cognitive dissonance eg the two witness rule when the authorities could be a witnesses and why would a child lie about the abuse .
Even today some witnesses believe child abuse is made up by apostates I asked about the child abuse issue to someone on the cart work that was there reply.
So it's only when you wake up to the control and the made up policy s of the org and then join a forum like this you see how illogical it all is that you can mentally leave then physically leave.
what things, modest and attainable, will be on your bucket list to do after covid ?
preferably post things you would not be allowed to do if you were still a jw!.
i will start, i want to go to an actual horse race, and have a small flutter on each race..
Be a blood donor
Already on the organ donor list , if they can use my brain after 50+ years a JW as it's not been used that much 😁
my 87 year old dad called me for the first time in 16 years the other day .... just to chat.
i was floored to say the least since he didn't even bother to call me when my mom died several years ago.
he called again today to inquire how i felt about jehovah's witnesses.
Because the org insinuated that covid19 was the start of the last of the last of the last hour of the last day many thought this was the start of the tribulation , one of my JW relative said that to me and I asked about the cry of peace and security and the destruction of Babylon the great that they had to happen first , that would happen quickly they replied.
So some have got the idea that because the door to door etc had been stopped that it was a sign of the end.
his murder was a crime and justice must be done, but it's sobering to learn more about the man who is being lionised by millions.
thanks as always to the courageous candace owens.. ....
Thanks for putting this on here good to get both sides of the facts , brave for speaking out
Why does the news agencies not report these facts instead of playing the racial card .
help me understand why i could not stop laughing watching this apparently serious video?.
It's good that he woke up to the manipulation and control of the JWs at a young age , hope he makes a success of his life
hello, i am in the beginning stages of a slow fade.
over the years i have become more and more dissatisfied with the beliefs, teachings, and organizational practices of the organization.
i no longer have faith in it.
Consider looking at jwfacts many of your doubts will probably be considered on that site , considered with a open mind.
Enjoy your freedom to consider another point of view.
just an odd thought i guess.
i saw a large snake in the back of my house the other day and it went on its merry way.
i just asked myself, what if the snake turned around and wanted to have a philosophical discussion on life, the universe or the origin of creation and then began to ask me questions?
Take it to the next zoom jw meeting and watch their faces when it answers up 😂
i'm a born and raised witness.
i was an elder for almost 20 years.
almost the same in fulltime service.
Become irregular in the ministry if and when it starts up again for a while then stop ,
Meetings when they start meeting at the k/hall again start by missing a few meetings at a time then extend the length between them I found after a few months no-one asked if I was ok (not joined zoom so can't comment on fading on zoom)
Us the search facility on this site to confirm the truth about the truth.
Welcome to the forum
documents that have arrived as of 2020-06-02 in english and spanish.letters are:.
if you are on the email list these are already under your coffee cup.
if your not on the email list, then reply below if you want the link put in your pm box.petra!.
Thanks for the email
Application photo on jworg, need a passport size photo and a full length photo dressed in meeting clothes ,
Can someone please explain why they need the photos?
Thanks again