Touch of grey -- what you fail to realize is that Christian's don't don't need to follow any leviticus laws -- that is the old covenant for the Jews.
So you failed at your own understanding.
Touch of grey -- what you fail to realize is that Christian's don't don't need to follow any leviticus laws -- that is the old covenant for the Jews.
So you failed at your own understanding.
Lol - it's very clear. And there are many other religions that follow it.
But you are the one cherry- picking the JW's.
No sure why you blame JW's -- the Bible is very clear on this subject.
should women be given authority in god's congregation?yorww congregation manuscript #1009in the beginning, god created man and woman, created both them in his "image," and according to his likeness.
this means, of course, jehovah god originally endowed both man and woman with the same capabilities and qualities of his own likeness.
thus, man and woman have the same god-given abilities, gifts and attributes so as to reflect all the "fruits of the spirit" and godly qualities in their lives, if they so desire.
What is YORWW?
there is an item this week all about yang ones leaving school.. the two brothers go to a career advisor seminar.
one brother thinks it’s good to work hard full time while you are young and tries to encourage his friend to as well.. his friend (who is the good jw trust the gb no matter what they say)) he wants a part time job.. the video shows him dreaming about investing his money on his phone and the chart goes up, he drives a nice car and seems to be doing well financially.. then he reads the scripture in proverbs and next you see that investment chart go down in the red and he is so pleased he just got a low paid part time job.. this infuriates me.
how many of us are now struggling because we were told to get menial part time jobs and we were told the end would have been here by now.. i will never tell a young person to listen to the gb advice on this.
I understand what they are trying to say: Don't become consumed with the love of money/material pursuits. No one can serve two masters. This is a Bibiblical message & it is true. We see time & time again how people trust so much in their material wealth that 5hey become absorbed in it & it leads to spiritual ruin. It is in fact Jehovah's counsel & warning to make your spiritual goals a priority & therfore build your spiritual treasures. In my life experience, I know this is absolutely true & good advice.
However, what I disagree with & don't like is the GB has taken that Bible counsel & twisted it into " full- time jobs are bad". They basically harass, judge & guilt- trip everyone who is trying to/needs to just make a living. This has personally affected me & this topic is a little touchy. It is absolutely one of the things that I don't fully agree with. Because there is a big difference with just trying to make a living and being greedy & pursuing riches.
If feel they need to include in their discussions about higher education & jobs/career the fact that there is nothing wrong with with those things in an of themselves. So they need to focus more on warning of spiritual dangers from the love of money, not assume that working full-time is bad & means your not spiritual.
I came in when I was in my early 20s & I was a divorced single mom. I had no family support or financial support/child support. I struggled terribly financially. Then a few years in I got a good full-time job with a decent salary & benefits. I was able to keep my head above water financially, but ai certainly wasn't rich or had excess. One Saturday a month, I was required to work 8- 2.
I got counsel from an elder I liked & respected that was negative. He says, remember, your 1st responsibility is raising & training your daughter to serve Jehovah. All the time you spend working means that's time away from your daughter, Jehovah & the congregation. Consider finding a job where you don't have to work so many hours.
I was flabbergasted! It came out of left field! Meanwhile this guy was married & both he and his wife worked. Do they critisise & judge men who are the 'head of household' when they have full-time jobs? Because as a single parent, I am the head of household. That was just one example of their criticism & judgement that I don't agree with.
this was prompted by another thread where it was revealed that the gb were referred to as "our future kings" in a wt video.
if i've got it right, the 144,000 are (or were until recently) the fds.
So if you read about the account of Sarah & Hagar in the Bible - both in Genesis & in Galatians.
Sarah a free woman- would represent Kingdom subjects ( Jerusalem above is free) & Hagar is a slave woman - she represents our current condition as a slave to sin & death.
this was prompted by another thread where it was revealed that the gb were referred to as "our future kings" in a wt video.
if i've got it right, the 144,000 are (or were until recently) the fds.
Future subjects, not future slaves. There is a difference between those words.
the watchtower characterizes christians not affiliated with the watchtower corporation as vomit eaters and filthy whores: .
“how well they pictured the spiritual drunkards of christendom at the present time!
besides actual wine and intoxicating liquors, there are other things to intoxicate the priests and preachers in christendom so as to induce drowsiness in them, to make them reel, to confuse things before their religious vision, to induce them to belch out the vomit of spiritually filthy things” - w59 3/1 pp.
Seabreeze: That passage is from the Bible ( Ezekiel 23). So why are you blaming the WT for using the Bible? That's their purpose.
i was listening to a youtube where a pastor relates his experience of attending a jw memorial.
he said something that was profound to me.. "how do you have a memorial for someone alive?".
they use this phrase all the time, even printing thousands and thousands of invitations to invite everyone to join them in doing this.. i googled that phrase to see what other christian church's use this phrase and was astounded to see that at least the first two pages of results are in relation to jw's only..
You have a memorial for someone alive because they did die & you are commemorating their life/passing. In the case of Jesus - he was only in earthly form ( in the flesh) so he could fulfill his destiny ( Randsom sacrifice). After his sacrificial death - he left the earth and returned to heaven in his rightful form. The memorial is a reminder of his sacrifice.
Also Jesus himself commanded it to be observed.
how many of you bought a nice sedan, suv, or even a minivan back in the days that you described as your "armageddon car" that you would care for and it would last until the end arrived?.
i was driving a 1974 plymouth volare wagon in 1992 when i managed to get an 8-year old buick century.
it was low mileage and had a very luxurious interior.
It's here ( scroll to paragraph 35)