Quite interesting thread.
I think for both women and men is hard to find a partner inside the WT. In many areas the number of available men and women is reduced. Sometimes there's no one you really feel compatible with.
The fact that there are more over-30 single women than men is not that men has it easier to find a partner but that if men are still single at that age, many quit the religion and find outside instead of keep waiting. Women tend to get attached to the religion despite they are unhappy.
And why? Well, I think men at 30 have been living how the WT really is if they have served as MS or elders. Yes, the WT has a patriarchal structure where it's more important to be a man than to have a brain to get appointed but it also means that all the work and responsibilities are assigned to men and in that way it's easier for men to find out the TTATT about the religion.
Regarding age, I'm almost 30 and since I broke up with my exgirlfriend, elders have been insisting on me that it's not so bad to be single for your whole life and it can help you to serve Jehovah better. Of course I'm not searching for a partner inside the Organisation but if I were, it would be very hard and elders know it.
Add to the fact that there is a limited number of possible partners, that it's not encouraged to get alone with someone to speak with him/her and know that person and it becomes very difficult to date if you're an adult. I heard of a brother and a sister in their 30s being admonished by the elders because they were having a coffee alone! That environment is so insane! Are you supposed to be in your 30s and need someone to supervise you?
It's another sad situation created by the WT.