Thank you, everyone, for your replies.
I am actually happy to see that people who practiced shunning did not feel good about it and most felt very uncomfortable. It shows that no matter how deeply a person has been brainwashed, their essential humanity will still assert itself. I'm not a fan of Saint Paul, but one thing he said I do hold as truth: "Love conquors all!". Love conquors all for the simple reason that it feels better to love than to hate. This is a powerful emotion the WTB&TS is attempting to exploit and it won't surprise me when their shunning policy eventually backfires on them.
If you are no longer in the organization, please make the effort to smile and say "Hi." to all of your friends and family memers who are still inside. Don't give up no matter how uncomfortable it is for you or them. If they get into trouble, let them know that you are there for them always. I believe that if enough of us ex-JWs carry out such a campaign our love and devotion will overcome the WTB&TS's fear tactics every time. Even if you no longer have faith in God, have faith in love. If you do have faith in God, then you already have all you need.