Scholar wrote: "I am not interested in convincing anyone especially yourself for my only reason in replying to your nonsense is simply to assist other readers that there is solid evidence ..."
So you're not trying to convince anyone, but you are trying to convince some??? .... It's so like you to contradict yourself in the very first sentence, in pure JW fashion.
Scholar wrote: "...there is solid evidence based on sound exegesis of Dan4 that Gods Kingdom is presently reigning since 1914 as Daniel foretold."
Again, you can claim that false things are true, but that doesn't change reality. Anyone reading this board that wants to see for themselves can easily turn to Dan 4, read it, and find that Daniel NEVER "foretold" anything about 1914. You're assertions are baseless, absurd, and straight up ridiculous.
Here's what the bible says vs what you claim:
1) Daniel says the tree from the dream represents King Nebuchadnezzar. You (Watchtower follower) claim that the the tree ALSO has a secondary meaning, it being God's Ruler-ship. There is no evidence for this, other than your eisegetical analysis. Besides there being no evidence for this assertion, how ironic would it be for God to symbolize himself by using a pagan evil King whose kingdom he eventually destroyed.
2) Daniel says that the tree being chopped down means King Neb would go crazy for a while. You claim that it ALSO means that God's rulership on Earth would be interrupted.
3) Daniel says that the seven times applies to King Neb. You claim that the seven times ALSO applies to God's Kingdom, and that it somehow is connected to the "day for a year" scripture, and thus you create a funny math formula out of thin air where the "seven times" cryptically become 2,520 days that then magically become 2,520 years.
All of these second interpretations you have inserted into the dream are all a product of your own desire to excuse the failed 1914 formula. None of it is found in the fourth chapter of Daniel nor in scripture for that matter.
Let me ask you something. A couple of pages back, while unsuccessfully trying to prove that the "seven times" can't be literal, you asked me:
"Well if believe that these are only literal years then can you account for these historically as the Babylonian Chronicles do not present this vacancy of Neb's kingship?"
How would you answer this question yourself?