A few years back, there were two sister killed in a car accident in our old congregation. What happened was the average temperature in January was well past -30. Near the end of the month all the ubers were in a big panic to get some hours in. C.O is also coming for a visit and everyone is in a big panic.
Later that morning two sisters in a Honda Civic are smoked by an 18 wheeler on an icy highway. Both are killed.
C.O comes to do the funeral. Of course it is just a copy and paste infomercial for the WTS. The whole time I am thinking it is your fault they are dead you morally bankrupt idiot. They were out on icy highways trying to impress you. Putting your life at risk to hand out magazines they don’t understand to people who don’t want them.
Next winter comes. Elder whos wife was killed calls my wife on a terrible winters day asking if she is coming out for field service. I grab the phone and snap on the elder “ you killed your wife, you are not killing mine “. Sorry, I forgot to mention it was a rural hall, lots of driving for field service.
We moved to another city. Elders aren’t in a big rush to be my new best friend. I prefer it this way.