This thread is taking on the tone of a secret elders meeting. Lots of smugness mixed with self congratulation mixed with an incredible vagueness.
JoinedPosts by Clambake
Why do religious people make claims and then refuse to back them up?
by Viviane inseveral times over the past few months i have had conversations, both here and in real life, with religious people making all sorts of interesting and conflicting claims.
i like to know how things work, so generally i will ask questions to net out what i am being told and see if it can be explained and make sense.. for instance, if someone said 2+2=4 and i asked how, there are a variety of ways that could be shown to me, a number line, physical objects being put together, counting on fingers and toes, etc.
indeed, in my personal life, i often have to explain how certain technologies work, sometimes planned, sometimes off the cuff, from a variety of group sizes to a varying degree of technical expertise.
Why do religious people make claims and then refuse to back them up?
by Viviane inseveral times over the past few months i have had conversations, both here and in real life, with religious people making all sorts of interesting and conflicting claims.
i like to know how things work, so generally i will ask questions to net out what i am being told and see if it can be explained and make sense.. for instance, if someone said 2+2=4 and i asked how, there are a variety of ways that could be shown to me, a number line, physical objects being put together, counting on fingers and toes, etc.
indeed, in my personal life, i often have to explain how certain technologies work, sometimes planned, sometimes off the cuff, from a variety of group sizes to a varying degree of technical expertise.
Why ?
Both are unanswerable questions silly.
But of course science not today but tomorrow will figure it all for us. Progress is being made. Blah blah blah. We have big thick books with really complex answers.
It find it funny how the pro-science crowd often seems to be bigger deists than religious people.
Why do religious people make claims and then refuse to back them up?
by Viviane inseveral times over the past few months i have had conversations, both here and in real life, with religious people making all sorts of interesting and conflicting claims.
i like to know how things work, so generally i will ask questions to net out what i am being told and see if it can be explained and make sense.. for instance, if someone said 2+2=4 and i asked how, there are a variety of ways that could be shown to me, a number line, physical objects being put together, counting on fingers and toes, etc.
indeed, in my personal life, i often have to explain how certain technologies work, sometimes planned, sometimes off the cuff, from a variety of group sizes to a varying degree of technical expertise.
I see the watchtower has trained you well young Jedi. Wear down your opponent with a pointless circular argument that goes nowhere.
Why do religious people make claims and then refuse to back them up?
by Viviane inseveral times over the past few months i have had conversations, both here and in real life, with religious people making all sorts of interesting and conflicting claims.
i like to know how things work, so generally i will ask questions to net out what i am being told and see if it can be explained and make sense.. for instance, if someone said 2+2=4 and i asked how, there are a variety of ways that could be shown to me, a number line, physical objects being put together, counting on fingers and toes, etc.
indeed, in my personal life, i often have to explain how certain technologies work, sometimes planned, sometimes off the cuff, from a variety of group sizes to a varying degree of technical expertise.
Asking religious people to prove the existence of god is like asking an atheist to disprove there being any intelligence in our design.
Anyone with a sincere interest in all thing scientific wouldn’t waste their time with such a pointless endeavour.
Why do religious people make claims and then refuse to back them up?
by Viviane inseveral times over the past few months i have had conversations, both here and in real life, with religious people making all sorts of interesting and conflicting claims.
i like to know how things work, so generally i will ask questions to net out what i am being told and see if it can be explained and make sense.. for instance, if someone said 2+2=4 and i asked how, there are a variety of ways that could be shown to me, a number line, physical objects being put together, counting on fingers and toes, etc.
indeed, in my personal life, i often have to explain how certain technologies work, sometimes planned, sometimes off the cuff, from a variety of group sizes to a varying degree of technical expertise.
I hate when people spew philosophy and pretend they are doing it in the name of a scientific debate. This thread is nothing but pointless fluff.
Elders want to meet with us, help!
by All for show inmy husband is awake,yay!
we haven't been to meeting since february, although we attended the memorial.
when jws have called us we say we are amazing, everything is awesome much to their shock.
I don’t know the exact details of how hard-ass your family are but I would blow the whole meeting out of proportion use it as an excuse to just not attend anymore.
I had a friend who had his local BOE get involved with his marriage problems without him even asking them and felt they had really crossed the line. Both his witness and non-witness felt the same way about it. He just used it as excuse to fade away no questions asked.
Make sure you are really petty and small. Something JWs are great at. They will understand.
Guess what I just got in the mail?
by Question_Mans_interpretation ini got an invitation from an ex mormon bishop to come learn how to witness to mormons.
this guy is brave, he even invited the current local mormon bishop to attend.
here's his website
As a Christian I believe Mormons are false religion and will prevent you from having a relationship with Jesus Christ.
As a person I believe Mormons are pretty stand up people, with good values and Mormonism is pretty harmless. It is not nearly the soul sucking family destroying cult the WTS is. I really hate when the two are compared against each other.
About every six months we get a new duo in my territory. I always love talking with them and buying them lunch. They always have some crazy stories about being mistaken as JWs, having run ins with JWs. It all pretty funny. One time they were having a house church and two JWs came to the door and were invited in the basement 20 mormons were waiting to argue.
The multitude that no man can number
by SonoftheTrinity inhow can protection from destruction at armageddon be solely with the jehovah's witnesses when the great multitude is one that no man could number while the jehovah's witnesses put great effort into cooking statistics of how many jws there are worldwide?
the unscriptural scare tactics they use are blatantly insulting to anyone who can read a bible.
I for one really find the book of revelations really interesting but find it is quite frightening how all WTS theology replies on it, with something being symbolic of this and that and up really meaning down and 1 plus 1 really meaning 3 etc etc.
I don’t know of too many people in the secular academic community ( professor of religious studies ) that support the JWs and they don’t even have a dog in the fight either way. It is pretty scary these people go to go trying to teach the bible.
Well, if Jew means those with the heavenly hope and 144000 is a literally number and great crowd means those who live on paradise earth.
When doers Babylon the Great Fall? :)
by The Searcher intake your pick!!.
kj chap.
15 p. 286 par.
Evangelical View of the End Times
A revived Roman Empire lead by a man called the anti-Christ promises peace and security to god people (the modern day state of Israel). This might be NATO, A stronger Eurozone when they kick all the loser nations of it.
After a peace treaty is signed to protect Israel, Israel is attacked by a hoard of nations from Central Asia to North Africa.
Christians are raptured to heaven
Jesus lands in Jerusalem, the Big A and 1000 year reign of Christ.
I just love how the JWs explain it, how they are the only ones who have any faith. Religion is illegal now, you have to quit it. Tell that to the towelheads. LoL
Impossible conversation: Jesus and Nicodemus: YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN
by Terry ini am a member on new testament scholar bart ehrman's blog, and the professor is currently outlining a new book he is writing about false memory and the life of jesus.. an interesting post occurred today in which he gives an example of a very famous scripture,.
example of a false memory of jesus teaching i turn to a famous passage in the gospel of john, jesus dialogue with nicodemus (john 3:1-15).
nicodemus is said to be a jewish leader who comes up to jesus and affirms that jesus must come from god because of the great things that he said to have done.
I can’t claim to be an expert on the subject but I have seen a few debates between Ehrman and Daniel B Wallace and what scares me about Ehrman about is he is very similar to the Watchtower, dealing more in conspiracies than probabilities
All Christian scholars know there are a number of textural variations. Scribes aren’t photocopy machines. There are even about 20 verses that might have been just plain added. Doctrinally it doesn’t change anything. It is the 99.5 % that is the same that is more interesting than the .5 that is different.
Since we don’t have the original copies of the new testament , how do you know it wasn’t all changed ? Well that kind of logic seems to be the foundation of all so called Christian cults, the bible is the inspired word of god, expect where it was changed. If the 5000 or so 3rd century copies that are 99 % the same isn’t enough proof that it most likely wasn’t altered , nothing will ever be enough proof.