There is an elder in my wife cong that has a daughter in dance. I am not sure if it is ballet or jazz.
It seemed odd to me.
Mind you the BOE are a bunch of drunks, maybe they just try not to rock the boat.
i get the google alerts for the jws and below is from one of the obits it sent out regarding a sister that was 76 years old when she died:.
joan attended beauty school and was a certified nurses assistant at the manor nursing home.
she was a member of the cowlitz congregation of jehovahs witnesses.
There is an elder in my wife cong that has a daughter in dance. I am not sure if it is ballet or jazz.
It seemed odd to me.
Mind you the BOE are a bunch of drunks, maybe they just try not to rock the boat.
i've watched the reaction to the nepal disaster for the first time with eyes opened.
lots of comments about praying for the brothers and sisters affected.
the official release on the website references only the sister and her two children that died, along with the impact on the brothers there.
What is funny is my wife has a job that requires a certain level of community involvement. She had to sell beer tickets for the United Way once at a Motley Crue concert. Meals on Wheel is a good cause she sometimes have to volunteer for. Mind you, she doesn’t talk about it with the elders and it is all paid during work time.
Too funny.
Another No-No thing we do is donate to the Salvation Army. It just beats trying to organize a garage sale to get rid of your crap and you hate to throw it awayi have a ton of filipino friends and this is huge.
manny is a huge underdog but it is literally good vs evil.
go manny .
Anyone following this ??
I have a ton of Filipino friends and this is huge.
Manny is a huge underdog but it is literally good vs evil.
Go manny
so many of us have been caught up in the negative effects this religion placed over our lives and those who we love very much.
i am the first one to tell my kids "i don't know s&^^ about this or that subject", if the watchtower is truly our brother or spiritual mother why don't they tell us the following questions we all have asked them?.
1. we screwed up about 1914 and "life is short, go live your life to the fullest while maintaining justice and morality, don't hurt your fellow man by making his life screwed up!.
When I was growing I had an uncle who was a pastor and I just loved Daniel and Revelations. Being a student of the bible he told me it is really interesting stuff but there is also a danger in it. If all your ministry becomes is “ end times “and“ nutty biblical prophecy” you should watch out. There are literally so many theories of what it wall means ( especially Revelations) and they are basically impossible to prove or disprove.
JW prey on peoples stupidity giving them a sense of superiority because they it all figured out. They don’t really understand it, just that they are right and everyone is wrong. It is the ultimate in arrogance.
The ironic part is the more you actually study with the JW , the more you realize the entire theology is just a castle built on sand with a parable that is somehow a prophecy, a date out of thin air 1919, a number that is so obvious been worked back into 1914, a few revisions in the NWT and a bunch of symbolic stuff in revelations.
Too any serious student of the bible , it is just laughable.
So what, If they were super uber dubs she would have been booted along time or disfellowed.
You are both on the verge of adulthood. Get married and move away. If the family are really poisonous people, it might be better to put some distance between her and her family.
If she is not baptized, I wouldn't worry about it.
so where did god exist before he created the heavens?
Pointless boring circular arguments.
You might as well just go in field service. At least you people would get some exercise and fresh air.
from that nutty red book of insanity, the grand climax at hand book, chapter 22, paragraphs 7 & 8. .
i had my doubts since childhood.
i went along with it to please people.
So basically the core of all Jehovah witness theology just comes down to some incredibly complex ever shifting bamboozle that basically no one understands.
I told an elder that one time and it’s all spiritual pornography. He wasn’t impressed.
should individual businesses have the right to pick and chose who they serve?
if a muslim decides he won't bake the cake of a radical zionist that says "reclaim the temple in jerusalem" should the government be allowed to punish the muslim baker?
maybe you can help me understand the issues more clearly because were becoming hyper-sensitive and soon your going to need a handbook what's the proper thing to say.
If I were that baker in Indiana , I would have said sure , for 2 million dollars.
Honestly a little common sense would sure go along ways sometimes. If someone doesn't want your business, just don't give it to them. It is not like it was an essential service.
Is it just me or does it seem like the Gay and Lesbian community have more of a pre-occupation with the religious right than the other way around.
several times over the past few months i have had conversations, both here and in real life, with religious people making all sorts of interesting and conflicting claims.
i like to know how things work, so generally i will ask questions to net out what i am being told and see if it can be explained and make sense.. for instance, if someone said 2+2=4 and i asked how, there are a variety of ways that could be shown to me, a number line, physical objects being put together, counting on fingers and toes, etc.
indeed, in my personal life, i often have to explain how certain technologies work, sometimes planned, sometimes off the cuff, from a variety of group sizes to a varying degree of technical expertise.
This thread is taking on the tone of a secret elders meeting. Lots of smugness mixed with self congratulation mixed with an incredible vagueness.