It is absolutely frightening how absolutely useless some of the higher ups in the borg are.
Never had a job
Never had a mortgage
Never had a family
Couldn’t change a flat tire.
in the watchtower august 15 in the topic: "let the many islands rejoice" appears the following paragraph: .
then, however, it came time for a serious decision.
would i accept a scholarship to go to university?
It is absolutely frightening how absolutely useless some of the higher ups in the borg are.
Never had a job
Never had a mortgage
Never had a family
Couldn’t change a flat tire. .
a life sentence from birth story of a south korean conscientious objector.
13 may 2015, 09:01 utc .
I had an discussion one time with a JW about are you really loving your neighbour if someone is putting your neighbour in an oven. That after the whole “ you know we didn’t fight for Hitler, blah blah blah “.
I bet you have showed more love trying to stop the holocaust than babysitting the SS’s kids.
Neutrality assumes that you are dealing with two parties at the moral equivalent to each other. I hardly think is the case North Korea and South Korea.
I really wish these losers would do there time in a North Korean gulag.
for starters, this topic isn't about former or non-practicing jws, but active ones who are authors.
we all probably have heard of mcmillan's faith on the march and the other one by marley cole, but how about more recently?.
i found a couple.
which bible translation is the best, according to biblical scholars, anybody knows?
please chime in.. i plan on getting it and doing comparison with the new world translation.
It is best to know what the bible says as an overview ( especially the new testament) before getting to excited about bible translations and which is the best because they all have some dogmatic slant to each of them.
The overview of the new testament is simply the disciples realizing Jesus is the promised Messiah talked about in the old testament and when he came back from the dead he was Jehovah in the flesh or “the angel of the lord “from the old testament. Then Paul basically creates the first century church and gods people become the body of Christ and not the Jewish people. Revelations, lots of weird stuff happens. The end.
I have never really saw much point fighting over indefinite articles and isolating single verses if you don’t really understand the reader digest version first.
I often find JWs seem to me are more interested in a weird way in disproving the bible.
so, it seems that the only basis for the governing body / organization's claim to have divine backing and therefore control and power is based on the scripture at matthew :.
"who really is the faithful and discreet slave?"....
if that is correct, and this scripture has been thoroughly de-bunked in many other threads, then the fact is the emporer has no clothes on!.
I had a discussion with an Elder one time about sincerity or lack of it and how do I know you really mean what you are saying or are you just towing the party line. So he gave this song and dance about how some religions feel the slave is this and that and we feel we are not in a position to question to god.
I then said maybe the confusion would be cleared up if you learned the difference between a bible prophecy and a bible parable.
He said nothing after.
It is really shocking all the bamboozle really comes down to that.
did the resurrection start in 1918/1919 or the first century?.
the wt teaches that the anointed started getting resurrected sometime around 1918/1919.
before that everyone was asleep in the grave, including all the apostles.
I have never found a Jehovah Witness that ever really wanted to have a serious discussion about bible theology. If you have a basic overview of the New Testament and how all the books are tied together and the general jist of the Gods plan for salvation , you will never have another study with a JW.
Now if you want to try and decode copy and paste crap, wild shit from the book of revelations and argue over indefinite articles ………..JW are really good at wasting your time.
I find in a weird way they seem like they are trying to disprove the bible.
so many of us have been caught up in the negative effects this religion placed over our lives and those who we love very much.
i am the first one to tell my kids "i don't know s&^^ about this or that subject", if the watchtower is truly our brother or spiritual mother why don't they tell us the following questions we all have asked them?.
1. we screwed up about 1914 and "life is short, go live your life to the fullest while maintaining justice and morality, don't hurt your fellow man by making his life screwed up!.
My goodness Vidiot
You are a really good writer.
My favorite new twist in WTS theology is the new understanding of Mog and Maygog and how it is now a coalition of nations from central Asia to North Africa are coming to attack Gods people in Jerusalem , which is symbolic for , shit I don't even know.
Its like they watch 700 club, 100 huntley street, jack van impe etc and steal half an idea and hope in 30 years from now they can steal the other half and no one will notice.
...recently.. i'm normally pretty calculated.
my fade is done, my wife is out, my family and friends know, i maintain quite abit of the friendships of those closest to me jw or not, my family isn't shunning, and the few people we have kept it from for other reasons we are calculating how to break it.
(elderly matriarch that we are simply not going to tell so she doesn't die).. but.....all these facebook meme's and stupid feeds about reliance on jehovah, distraction, staying close to his organization, persevering against satan.....its driving me nuts.
I always wonder if people who don't make stupid comments at meetings " Thank you Jehovah for giving us the FDS etc etc " , are in some stage of being out ?? Or just don't make comments at all.
I know a MS who made a comment like " Lets make this about Jehovah " after someone made a really really stupid comment. He faded away soon after.
What really pisses me off is there are certain members in each cong that just make comments for pure troll value. Lets see whose eye roll and later lets sick the elders on them.
so many of us have been caught up in the negative effects this religion placed over our lives and those who we love very much.
i am the first one to tell my kids "i don't know s&^^ about this or that subject", if the watchtower is truly our brother or spiritual mother why don't they tell us the following questions we all have asked them?.
1. we screwed up about 1914 and "life is short, go live your life to the fullest while maintaining justice and morality, don't hurt your fellow man by making his life screwed up!.
What I get a kick out of when you take a Jehovah Witness and an Evangelical Christian American and start comparing the bible with the end times prophecy, at least an Evangelical can somewhat twist world affairs to their theology with the Modern day state of Israel and Mog and Maygog and how the church and Israel are two different things and a union of Muslim nation forming to destroy Israel. I haven’t really jumped in the deep end of all this stuff it is at least somewhat plausible.
What do Jehovah Witness have ?? A stupid 1914 calculation that a five year old could debunk.
All religions will be banned soon by the United Nations and only the Jehovah Witnesses will resist ? It sounds like something out of a science fiction novel. There is no evidence of something like this happening. Western nations are becoming more secular…… what. Like China, India , Africa and South American don’t count, do you know how many churches are planted in those regions each year. Do you have any idea how useless the U.N is ??
I have a feeling WTS theology will soon twist into something closer to Evangelical Christian American theology ( well, actually it is already happening ) because what with they are teaching, it is hard to believe the end of the system is so close.
i get the google alerts for the jws and below is from one of the obits it sent out regarding a sister that was 76 years old when she died:.
joan attended beauty school and was a certified nurses assistant at the manor nursing home.
she was a member of the cowlitz congregation of jehovahs witnesses.
There is an elder in my wife cong that has a daughter in dance. I am not sure if it is ballet or jazz.
It seemed odd to me.
Mind you the BOE are a bunch of drunks, maybe they just try not to rock the boat.