I hate when people fake an interest in all things science just to argue with theists. A thread like this is nothing more than bait to suck someone into a circular go nowhere argument where you can mock and ridicule someone’s beliefs.
researchers have found evidence of ancient microorganisms that lived in what is now western australia at least 4.1 billion years ago.
if confirmed, the discovery suggests that life originated on earth 300 million years earlier than previously thought.
.... the ancient microorganisms in question were found trapped inside zircons formed from magma in western australia.
I hate when people fake an interest in all things science just to argue with theists. A thread like this is nothing more than bait to suck someone into a circular go nowhere argument where you can mock and ridicule someone’s beliefs.
it funny how the cult will imbelish on somethings and others they just sweep under the rug and you never hear anything about it again.
i was just doing some searches on the internet and stumbled on this.
i had heard that the dub's were trying to get people to go to israel and then you never hear anything after that.
Jw theology is quite anti-sematic in nature once you start to peel some of the layers back.
The last thing the Israelis need is more people telling its young people not to join the armed forces. The survival of the Israel really depends on the draft.
In Israel, JW are not just annoying, they are a threat to national security.
what will be the end game whether in a few years, our lifetime, or hundreds + years from now.
bible prophecy did say israel / jews would be scattered then eventually brought back.
russell was declaring that and it was believed before being changed shortly before it happened.
what will be the end game whether in a few years, our lifetime, or hundreds + years from now.
bible prophecy did say israel / jews would be scattered then eventually brought back.
russell was declaring that and it was believed before being changed shortly before it happened.
Jws have no idea the new testament is the story of god and the jews and god and his church.
Once you understand the relationship , the rapture and how Israel actually means Israel tin the new testament the end times seem somewhat plausible with armegeddon most likely being a group of nations set to destroy the nation of Israel.
Who knows. All is I know it is a fun way to both pisses jws and atheists off at the ssame time
what will be the end game whether in a few years, our lifetime, or hundreds + years from now.
bible prophecy did say israel / jews would be scattered then eventually brought back.
russell was declaring that and it was believed before being changed shortly before it happened.
Does anyone ever notice how the know it all atheists sounds like Elders when dealing with this subject. No No No, that’s not true………..blah blah blah.
I have many a discussion with Elders about this subject. Without going into too much detail it is all comes down to this ridiculous complex bamboozle where the society or Spiritual Israel ( shit I have a hard time keeping up with the new light ) replaces the jewish people. It all seems somewhat borderline anti-sematic sometimes.
I have never really got a straight answer on how a group of nations roughly centered in the middle east is going to attack all the Jehovah Witnesses in the end times.
I know there is a certain level of interruption that has to be used when reading the bible and I am hardly on rapture watch but it is interesting how it seems to be coming together.
richard dawkins had two speaking engagements at the local unitarian universalist church last week.. only just heard about it today!.
guess i should have been more conscious of my spiritual need and i wouldn't have missed it.
I wonder he was speaking about the importance of aborting down's syndrome children. In this day and age there is no excuse for one of those to be born.
I find Richard Dawkins to be the Joel Osteen of the science community. He is all fluff and opinion to sell books to suckers so they can feel morally superior to the average joe. Basically the same hook the jws use.
i can't help but notice how this past year alone has seen the gb start to turn more towards the teachings of the christ instead of peddling their falsities.. study articles have talked in length about the fine works of christ.
assemblies have been dedicated to speaking about christ.
and this month's broadcast is about doing good to others copying the example christ left for us.. what's more shocking is that losch actually says kids should speak, share, and even give food and clothing to non-believers!!
What a load of shit. It's not like the wts has any mission or outreach centers.
If you want to help the poor you would have to get involved with the false religions of christedom which could get you disfellowshipped.
advance directives are complex legal instruments and widely misunderstood by both physicians and their patients.
with most jehovah's witnesses their is a significant level of misinformation, and in many cases coercion or undue influence exerted on the patient.
physicians need to be aware of this and always meet privately with the patient to educate them and then ascertain their true wishes.
I my wife just had a baby and all she had in her file was a letter stating she was one of jehovah witness and she had strong views on blood. It didn't look like it was official.
Stupid thing is her doctor typed who happened to be a jw also. It wasn't signed either.
Luckily nothing happened. Still if something happened, I really wonder what would of happened.
what if the society know it only has to lose one big case to lose a whole set of cases on precedent of the first case?.
this means they will lose millions of dollars in lawsuits and settlements.
which means their financial stability is under threat.
I wonder if anyone in the borg has noticed Russian soldiers on the Israeli border.
No no no, iit's all the world turning against all those Saturday morning door knockers.
Putin and Obama and the pope are having a meeting about it right now.
there is a visitor brother in town and from what ive been told, he has been a missionary for many years and they were having a get together for him.
i took my mom to that get-together yesterday and stayed for a few minutes.
i heard a group around a table with the visitor brother talking about how hard it was getting in the world with so many distractions and that many of the brothers were falling into the trap and leaving jehovahs organization.
Those verses in kings were a reference to Romans chapter 10 where it states god isn't done with the jews. I really hate when jw theology replaces themselves with the Jewish people. It is quite anti semantic rubbish.
I found the best way to debate a jw is to really understand the difference between the word Israel in the new testament and what is the church.