If you look at the plurality of god in the old testament, the new testament quotes using the tetragrammaton and the writings of Paul and who he thought Jesus was, I believe the writers believe Jesus co-existed with his father as Jehovah, Yahweh, LORD all caps in the old testament.
Does anyone fully understand it ?? Not really but who do you think the authors of the new testament believed Jesus was, God in the flesh or Michael the arc angel ?
Then if you think the bible is complete bullshit, so be it but the when the basis of your religion is the bible is wrong ( the name of god removed ) and it has been repaired by men we don’t know they are with copies of the bible we don’t know if they exist.
No knows. You have to be careful when being raised a JW. You tend to read the bible like you just got a speeding ticket and you are looking for a technicality to get off. JW generally seem to be so busy looking at the fine print they usually miss the big picture when studying the bible.