The majority of archaeologists agree that the cradle of civilization is Mesopotamia Iraq roughly 6000-10000 years ago.
Sorry, this isn't a religious thing. Just a textbook thing. Quit watching Ancient Aliens.hello, i asked a new but old friend how many people are still christians after leaving the watchtower's mind control agency, for statistical purposes do you mind if i do a survey and see how many of you are believers?.
please don't post if your not a believer out of respect for this poll, we need to sharpen each other's sword and help build each other up and meet new friends over the internet with faith in god or some other force of the universe.
i asked another person how we can still manage our faith after getting burned by the high group mind control, he had a few ideas but he's not really involved with god because of how life burned him.
The majority of archaeologists agree that the cradle of civilization is Mesopotamia Iraq roughly 6000-10000 years ago.
Sorry, this isn't a religious thing. Just a textbook thing. Quit watching Ancient Aliens.hello, i asked a new but old friend how many people are still christians after leaving the watchtower's mind control agency, for statistical purposes do you mind if i do a survey and see how many of you are believers?.
please don't post if your not a believer out of respect for this poll, we need to sharpen each other's sword and help build each other up and meet new friends over the internet with faith in god or some other force of the universe.
i asked another person how we can still manage our faith after getting burned by the high group mind control, he had a few ideas but he's not really involved with god because of how life burned him.
Perfect example of how the WTS never really leaves you. You quoted me out of context.
The point I was trying to make is there is a big difference between the consciousnesses of man and the origin of the species.
hello, i asked a new but old friend how many people are still christians after leaving the watchtower's mind control agency, for statistical purposes do you mind if i do a survey and see how many of you are believers?.
please don't post if your not a believer out of respect for this poll, we need to sharpen each other's sword and help build each other up and meet new friends over the internet with faith in god or some other force of the universe.
i asked another person how we can still manage our faith after getting burned by the high group mind control, he had a few ideas but he's not really involved with god because of how life burned him.
I find anti-Christian literature exactly the same as Watchtower literature. It is twisted and complicated with no real consistently in its teachings and often is boastful and arrogant. It often comes down to a certain type of theism where I don’t really understand what I believe but it is anti-Christian so it must be true. Richard Dawkins born into another life would most likely be the most uber Elder or even a C.O.
The way I look at is the bible doesn’t say the earth is 6000 years old. The 6000 years comes from the genealogy of Jesus Christ in the new testament dating back to Adam. The interesting part about the number 6000 is it the time most scientists agree that civilization began in Iraq. Adam and Eve could just be a parable about the consciousness of man. Who knows?
Instead of worrying about the first 4.6 billion years , I think we might want to wonder about the last 6000 instead.
what a spirited, brilliant speech isreali pm mr. nethanyahu delivered yesterday to the congress against the negotiated nuclear deal with iran which israel fears would make iran a legitimate nuclear power with the ability to wipe out israel.
he also said: if no one supports, israel would defend itself alone.
Any talk of doomsday, Israel, Armageddon etc. must just piss the WTS off.
“ But all about us remember us, the end times. We are Israel. Everyone will turn us “.
I just hope when the average JW watches the news they realize they are just annoying weirdos that knock on your door Saturday morning. The world will end in the Middle East and Israel is actually the Jewish nation just seems like so much like a more plausible explanation if you into that kind of thing.
i have heard that the wt is putting together a clandestine preaching blitz for israel, thought i saw someone comment on it here too.. has anyone heard anything?
JW subscript to something called “ replacement theology “ where they believe they either the organization or magical men in Brooklyn have replaced the physical nation of Israel. Not really sure what they believe now, it changes so much.
The problem is a lot of new light seems to be falling in line with the evangelical view where the troubles for Jehovah people first start in the middle east. One major problem , there are basically no JWs in the middle east so………………………….. Lazy assholes, at least make up your own theology, don’t just steal someone else. I know there are people in Brooklyn whose job it is to just watch Christian channel all day and find ideas to steal.
what is your favorite music video?
after shes my cherry pie, i like foo fighters learn to fly
Buddy Holly -Weezer
Gun and Roses- ( all of them). Back in the day I think there was more money spent on a GnR video than some movies. Totally over the top productions.
i met a coworker at my work who was even more commited to his religion then almost anybody i had seen in the jw mids yet.
whenever we went for lunch, he would do a little prayer first, he didnt care if anybody would take notice of him.
he does not curse, never!
I just love how the WTS thinks it has some kind of monopoly on evangelism and clean living. Today there are more Baptists in China or Seventh Day Adventist in India than the United States. I wonder how that happened.
All the WTS really has is drones passing out magazines they don't understand to people who don't want them so their family won't stop talking to them.
although the organization condemns the un as a satanic organization that will turn on jws and try to destroy them, they're not above using the evil satanic image of the wild beast for personal gain.. link to article on jw.borg here:
pasting text below in case you don't want to click through:.
south korea guilty of arbitrary detention of conscientious objectors.
If you look at the quality of life and freedom between South and North Korea, I have always found they WTS stance on South Korea extremely hypocritical. If there ever was a case for an armed population it would be the nation of South Korea.
Cowardly parasites. They should be sent to the gulags of the North.
when you had to start dumping your worldy friends ??.
just curious that's all.
not being a witness ( ubm here ) i think everyone has known a jw kid and at a certain age " my mommy won't let me play with you ".
On a somewhat related note, I have always wondered how JWs have managed to recruit anyone while using the terms “Worldly “and “False religion”.
The odd meeting I have to go to I have pointed out how incredibly pompous and arrogant some of the rhetoric is. I think a light has gone off. Some of the more disgusting talks she doesn’t even waste her time asking me to go.
when you had to start dumping your worldy friends ??.
just curious that's all.
not being a witness ( ubm here ) i think everyone has known a jw kid and at a certain age " my mommy won't let me play with you ".
When you had to start dumping your worldy friends ??
Just curious that's all. Not being a witness ( UBM here ) I think everyone has known a JW kid and at a certain age " My mommy won't let me play with you ".
Never heard the other side of it.