Pretty much what Blondie said. I've heard brothers speculate (CO's giving talks) that when shit hits the fan, we'll need to be at the KH or whatever to avoid being destroyed since God's going to nuke everything else.
JoinedPosts by ronwashington
Communications during Armageddon
by bruh inthis past wt study on the things that marks the end of the world---made me think in terms of armageddon and what the faithful slave would do if they couldnt communicate with thousands of congregations since the wicked/satans world runs the the modes/network of communications.
i may not have all the facts as to the infastructure of the worlds communications but one things for sure---with the wicked destroyed at armageddon how does the society oh organization plan to communicate with the rank and file???
wicked gone means that possibly the internet will not be working, post office will be down, mobile carriers/towers will be out of commission maybe, tv stations will be out of commission.
How often did you entertain the "Traveling Overseers", and did you regret it afterwards?
by ÁrbolesdeArabia ini found taking the traveling overseers out for a meal, to be a waste of time.
our literature regulary spoke of the upbuilding talk the local congregations received by entertaining our brothers.
now some of the modern cos look at their telecommunication devices, talk of things not related to our ministry or phone it in.
CO's are just like any other elder you'll run into. Some are very nice people who I think genuinely cared about the friends. I don't think they had any bad motives at all. One CO would come over for our family study. He was just tell my dad, "I think you got this" and take a nap in our living room.
On the other hand, I've known some real asshole CO's. You know, the ones who create circuit policies based on their opinions. When I was about 11 or 12, the current CO decided that Star Wars was a horrible thing from Satan. My dad made me get rid of all my SW merchandise. That was terrible. Once the guy was gone a couple years later, everyone forgot about it and it was cool again. This same CO's WIFE was even a jerk. She would regularly skip service to do personal errands or get her hair done or whatever. She'd even break appointments she made with the publishers for that stuff. Her excuse, and I quote, "I'm the CO's wife. I can do what I want." I am not making this up.
The last CO we had was a real tool. Literally every single talk he gave contained some sort of condemnation of 'social networking.' He was like a broken record. Then last year when "The Society" changed it's stance and said, 'well i guess it's not terrible if you don't post dick pictures' or whatever, he said in a talk, "We never said social networking was bad. Just don't misuse it." What a moron. It's like he expected people to forget his talks over the past 3 years.
I saw her at a couple of assemblies at the Brooklyn Assembly Hall.
Isn't it hypocritical for the Governing Body to feature a biochemist in Awake! magazine but at the same time condemn higher education?
by matt2414 inthe january awake!
has an entire article about a woman, a molecular biochemist, who became a witness, and yet the watchtower leaders condemn and blacklist any of their members who get a college education.
i couldn't stop thinking about this as i read the article.
It absolutely is hypocritical. I also find it dumb that a brother can lose privilges for going to college, yet if he applied to Bethel a few years later, he'd definitely be accepted if he were a doctor or lawyer.
Question from Reader Watch Tower:fertilized eggs (embryos)
by frankiespeakin inbefore coming to a knowledge of the truth, my wife and i submitted to in vitro fertilization because of our desire to have a baby.
not all our fertilized eggs (embryos) were used; some were frozen and stored.
must they be retained, or may they be disposed of?
that's why I'm wondering if there's any BOE letters to clarify this. The Elder Book is fairly specific on what is pornea. Of course with the 'brazen conduct' catch-all, it doesn't matter anymore.
Question from Reader Watch Tower:fertilized eggs (embryos)
by frankiespeakin inbefore coming to a knowledge of the truth, my wife and i submitted to in vitro fertilization because of our desire to have a baby.
not all our fertilized eggs (embryos) were used; some were frozen and stored.
must they be retained, or may they be disposed of?
that's an interesting article. it doesn't right out condemn a husband jerkin off to get sperm for the IVF. So I guess cranking one out is OK in some circumstances? Is there a secret letter to the BOE that gives more detail on this?
Man I used to live in Sliver. Super small room but it had a bathroom :|
In a judicial hearing does the accused have the right to face his accusers?
by solomon inif someone says they saw me smoking a cigarette do i have the right to challenge them face to face in the hearing room?.
That's a good point Anon. I wonder how many JW know the rules for a hearing. Odds are they don't since the rules are laid out in the Flock book.
It's funny. People would tell me there's nothing secret in the book, which is true to an extent. However after having read it, there's a LOT of stuff that's only found in the book and letters to the BOE which serve as additions to the book. I feel like an idiot for not having snagged a copy of it when I was at Bethel. Anyone happen to have a link to a PDF version of it or something?
by steve2 inin a separate thread, cedar's response to the watchtower's hot-off-the-secret-press-to-elders letter on child abuse is featured.
cedar's article is a powerful, well-composed overview of that letter.. tellingly, in the watchtower letter you will not find any direct exhortation requiring parents to first go to the elders when their child discloses sex abuse.
no, the watchtower is much too clever to directly state what parents should or should not do.
Geez. This letter is insane.
15. Who is considered a known child molester? The January 1, 1997, Watchtower article “Let Us Abhor What Is Wicked” mentions on page 29 that a man “known to have been a child molester” does not qualify for privileges in the congregation. The expression “known to have been a child molester” has reference to how such a man is considered in the community and in the Christian congregation. In the eyes of the congregation, an adult “known” to be a former child molester is not “free from accusation” or “irreprehensible,” nor does he have “a fine testimony from people on the outside.” (1 Tim. 3:1-7, 10; 5:22; Titus 1:7) In view of his past, those in the community would not respect him and congregation members might be stumbled over his appointment. Keep in mind that the branch office, not the local body of elders, determines whether one who has sexually abused a child is considered a known child molester.
Ok so this paragraph restates the 1/1/97 W which says that a molestor DOES NOT qualify for privileges. It doesn't say 'for a long time' which is the case in some offenses. For example, marrying a non-JW would prevent someone from having privileges for a few years.
Then check out paragraph 22
22. It cannot be said in every case that one who has sexually abused a child could never qualify for privileges of service in the congregation. However, the elders will certainly want to be very cautious, especially when dealing with one who had repeatedly engaged in this kind of wrongdoing or who had been disfellowshipped for such an offense.
WHAT??? WHAT??? So IT IS POSSIBLE FOR A CHILD MOLESTOR TO HAVE PRIVILEGES (after they call the branch and they OK it). That is absolutely insane. The secret nature of this letter means no one will EVER KNOW THIS. The public and the rank and file will only know of what is said in that WT.
I really want to print this letter off and post it on the information board at the local hall after I highlight, bold, and italicize that paragraph.
Also, and this is really the big sticking point for me in this whole letter, is WHAT ARE THE BRANCH POLICIES ON HANDLING SEXUAL ABUSE OF MINORS. Literally every paragraph says "CALL LEGAL" but nowhere does it say, nor have I seen anything, regarding just what their policies are.
Blood Cards :Now they ask for photocopy of the signed document
by raymond frantz inwe have been asked for a photocopy for each of our family's blood signed cards for the congragation's secretary records .we 've never been asked before ,is this a new thing ?
does anyone know more about it ?.
Yup, here we go:
*** km 12/04 p. 7 New Provision to Assist Us to Abstain From Blood ***
Before folding the DPA card, make good-quality photocopies for your health-care agent, alternate health-care agent, and doctor as well as for your own records. You may also want to provide copies for other family members and the congregation secretary. Copies should be single-sided on standard-size (8 1/2″ x 11″) paper, with the DPA card centered on the page. The original DPA card, not a photocopy, should be kept on your person.