We have been asked for a photocopy for each of our family's blood signed cards for the congragation's secretary records .We 've never been asked before ,is this a new thing ? Does anyone know more about it ?
Blood Cards :Now they ask for photocopy of the signed document
by raymond frantz 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
NEVER heard of that.
Papers... Papers...
You vill show your papers and you vill like it.
liability issues perhaps.
that's not really new. It's always been suggested to give a copy to the secretary or PO, along with the people listed as proxies, your family, and your primary doctor.
it's possible they received orders from the branch to collect copies from anyone who hasn't done so.
Yup, here we go:
*** km 12/04 p. 7 New Provision to Assist Us to Abstain From Blood ***
Before folding the DPA card, make good-quality photocopies for your health-care agent, alternate health-care agent, and doctor as well as for your own records. You may also want to provide copies for other family members and the congregation secretary. Copies should be single-sided on standard-size (8 1/2″ x 11″) paper, with the DPA card centered on the page. The original DPA card, not a photocopy, should be kept on your person.
I would simply ignore the request and if questioned, say you are fine without them having copies.
raymond frantz
Great advise ,I thought they were on to us because we keep missing meetings and never really bothered with blood cards ,needless to say that all 4 children will have a full blood transfusion (knock on wood)if that will ever be the case .
Did they ask for a copy or just suggest it was a good idea? As I remember it, they used to suggest it but there was no follow up. Creepy if they are being more forceful about it now.