St. George, it's actually in the December KM insert, page 5.
JoinedPosts by ronwashington
emailed PDF's count as placements!
by wallsofjericho insorry if this has already been discussed.. but at the service meeting this week on it was clearly stated by our cobe that pdf's from that are emialed to interested persons count as placements!!!.
okay folks, next time you get a circular spam email, copy all the recipients and there is your contact list.
email thousands of people watchtower pdf's and watch the placements soar through the roof!!!.
by enigma1863 ini was curious, how many jws end up getting caught up in pyramid scemes like amway.
i was caught up in there online program quixstar for a little while several years ago.
i noticed there are several similarities between amway and a cult..
by enigma1863 ini was curious, how many jws end up getting caught up in pyramid scemes like amway.
i was caught up in there online program quixstar for a little while several years ago.
i noticed there are several similarities between amway and a cult..
You should seriously contemplate typing out coherent sentences.
by enigma1863 ini was curious, how many jws end up getting caught up in pyramid scemes like amway.
i was caught up in there online program quixstar for a little while several years ago.
i noticed there are several similarities between amway and a cult..
Sorry Cyberjesus. You're a shithead. MLMs and pyramid schemes are awful things designed to sell snake oil and extract money from suckers.
by enigma1863 ini was curious, how many jws end up getting caught up in pyramid scemes like amway.
i was caught up in there online program quixstar for a little while several years ago.
i noticed there are several similarities between amway and a cult..
I knew a brother who sold melaleuca stuff. Some of it wasn't terrible stuff but thankfully he never pushed us to sell it. We did have a sister in our congregation who pretty much tried to get everyone to sign up for some long distance phone service back in the mid 90's.
Now we have a sister who does Avon/Mary Kay/Candles. She used to hand out invites and do transactions at the kingdom hall. Someone must have told her that's not a good idea and now she just mails out invitations. She keeps bugging my wife about buying shit but thankfully she doesn't.
If I were a shitty person it would be awfully tempting to get into some sort of MLM. A congregation or even a circuit would be a great place to find marks.
What are the WT Society's expenditures?
by Apognophos ini'm hoping someone who has at least a little inside knowledge can help educate me here.
what sort of things does the wbts pay for, on a worldwide basis?.
- i understand that khs are owned and funded locally, at least where the locals can afford them, but what about in poor areas?.
Oh wow no. The stipend for Bethelites was about $110 back in 2002 so it has to be more. About half of that goes to transportation. If the Bethelite uses the subway to get to meetings, that adds up. Also, if you get a ride to the meetings you're 'supposed' to give the driver the same dollar amount as a subway ride. Right now the subway is 2.25 So if you go to both meetings plus Saturday service (which you're 'supposed' to do) that's $54 a month right off the bat. There goes most of the stipend.
I might have to email my CO buddy and find out their stipend. Special Pioneers get money too but I'm not sure of the amount. They are in a strange situation since the congregation doesn't pay for their expenses and they live on their own.
All the Single Ladies put your hands up!
by mojonogo inhi, i read a lot on here, and i am still active, i get about 3 hrs a month in service so not really that active.
i know there are ones on here shaking their heads at me, i do believe the basic teachings, what brought me to post a thread was a thread that hit home, the topic of dating in the oganization, it brought up a lot of hurt feelings for me.
see, i used to pioneer and i basically burned out, i was working mon wed friday sat and sun 2nd shift so i could go to the meetings on tue and thurs.
JW's have the most fucked up views on dating/courting/marrying. It's no wonder that people either never get married or get engaged after dating for like 1 month.
I resolve to masturbate at least twice a day.
People who will never hear the WT message
by jgnat inyou are all familiar with the heartwarming images of people from all lands joining in a "great crowd" marching in to the promised land.
it occurred to me with more than nine countries and 1.6 billion people who are not recorded in the yearbook, that a great number of ethnic groups will not be represented.
jgnat, that's exactly why. For those countries you listed the work is most under ban. Those countries don't have their stats published, most likely so those governments don't have that information. I thought that was common knowledge.
Also, the JW work is legal in Hong Kong so I guess some chinese will be represented after all.
People who will never hear the WT message
by jgnat inyou are all familiar with the heartwarming images of people from all lands joining in a "great crowd" marching in to the promised land.
it occurred to me with more than nine countries and 1.6 billion people who are not recorded in the yearbook, that a great number of ethnic groups will not be represented.
In all fairness there are witnesses in these countries. I had a bethel buddy who spent a few years in China and he met up with some witnesses. That said, the vast majority of the people in a country like China will probably never hear the message in a door to door format.