So our family fade is well under way. We changed congregations as regular attenders and left in good standing with those giving hugs and kisses simply knowing we "needed a change". We moved to a neighboring congregation that is out of our original region knowing we would see no one and the two BOE's wouldn't really have immediate dealings. I chose this congregation knowing the BOE is relatively small (elderly) and had a tremendous publisher workload including lots of debauched teens and single moms that dress like whores that keep them incredibly busy.
The fade began immediately. We made no connections in the new hall, no friends, no one to wonder, "where are they?". No one has contacted us, no FS time has been turned in, no school joined, nada. Not a phone call, not a visit, zippo from anyone. Of course I know that may change. When old cong friends text and call to ask how are we adjusting in our new cong we say "doing great, how about you guys?", and that's that.
Now after being a company man for decades I'm not an idiot. All it will take is a speaker trade between our old and new congregations and an elder I served with for many years to ask at the KH or at hospitality after, "Hey I didn't see the "Smith" family and was hoping to catch up"... "Smith family...we haven't seen them since their cards and that shit%Y letter you wrote arrived six months ago"...and badda bing, the cat is out of the bag.
SO! We still live, work, play, kids now attend youth group, we occasionally enjoy non-denominational services right in the middle of our old cong's territory. It is inevitable that the shock will spread like wildfire and we will run into old cong friends who want to ask God knows what. I know their motives. I know their "but Lord where shall we go" mentality. Part of me feels like I know their countermeasures and they don't stand a chance.
We have no desire to turn in our letter (at this time). But my family and I (including an elementary school age child) would like to settle on a great one liner when approached by JW's who have been our friends for many years. We want to accomplish a few things:
#1 Terminate the conversation as quickly as possible without inciting anger
#2 Leave with food for thought to question the organization on a deeper level
#3 Leave them with a one liner they would no doubt spread in the gossip train that would also cause their listening ears to question the organization on a deeper level as well
To this awesome forum...your thoughts?