Inspiration how to understand?
Take the gospel called Matthew it was written for a special purpose, it is a redacted compendium for the church that was created to serve the church in the "evangalisation" work and to be read in the congregations.
As in the book are many references to customs and lifesituations that only eyewitnesses could have known played a role for people lifing before at 70 CE. the desctruction of the Jewsih community and social life in Jerusalem and the destrcution of the communitey in Qumran occured, the sources are from people that lifed in the 1 st century.
Mattew is alos based on the same sources as Marks gospel. But Mark used the words sources and eyewitness, testimonals for another gospel with another audience. We have 4 gospels that were not harmonised to delete some different text traditions, no the church let all 4 gospels stand for itself, to show that they had a real descent from the early church in a special need situtation. Sometimes we read and think, why 4 different reports about Jesus?
Was it inspired by God.?
The gospel of Matthew contains the point of view of the 1 st century, the jewish traditions, the world view of the antic and jewish time.
The catolic church does not belief that every single word is a direct memorandum of God, that had a direct line to the writer of the gospel and dictated him, no the gospel contains the beliefsystem of the early church, it is a handbook for the evangelisation, that was the purpose. Matthew very strong concentrated on Jesus Parables about the Kingdom of God, Jesus was obviousley a splendid speaker because the parables brought the listeners to thing about not what future fictive rulership could bring peace and security but about what Gods Kingdom meant for them in their daily life.
The parables contain customs that like the typical sowing method in Judean agriculture at that time that makes the farmer loooking very awkward.....(read Mattew 13-19, 18-23, Mark 4,13-20, Mark 4,1-9). The farmer sows the seed on the trampled bottom where is only few humus, because it was typical in that agriculture, to sow before the plowing. Did you know that Jesus wanted to say not that there will be good and bad results, or god and bad people but that God somehow will arrive the goal anyway. We can trust in his ability as farmer. His empire is blesssing and fullness, despite opposition, despite separated churches, the unity was lost,
This message and good news of mercy and joy about the loving God changed already in the 1 century hundred thousands in their thinking about God and brought the christian belief to Alexandria, to Antiochia, to Babylon, to Rome, to Damaskus...Yes it was a hunted and trailed church (by the Jews and the Romans and many other cults) that needed a handbook and so Mattew wrote it whith the aim to tell about the good news about Jesus. Although Jesus did say nothing about that his words should be written down or written down fast to be not forgotten.
Based on early written sources of Jesus words and eyewitnesses and testimonials and using the greek Septuagint -Old Testmant Version for interpretation of the happenings, (but also citing Jesus words that are not in the Jewish bible canon, texts we dont have today) it was put together as compendium for the early church for a special purpose
It was created by Matthew for the church.