Dear paradisebeauty,
i like how fine you emphasize or underline the thought that we as christian belief in "a cooperation between God and man nature", a fine word. That is our belief all about. So i think too. What mankind is longing for: eternal justice, eternal truth, eternal love is thus achievable.
Achievement is possible because, so i think, in this cooperation only God is the donor and men the recipients.
short >>>The divine saves, the human is saved, God is saviour, men are saved.(whatever "saved of").
Now the question comes up, if God is love and wants to save us, why didnt he do it earlier in the history and
why doesnt he save us itself instantly out of love, why would a loving God send a spiritual being/angel called "Michael" send to earch, give him another name, called Jesus, and make him "flesh" solely to let him die, why should his death have any necessity and value, in the framework of the salvation, if only a divine God can bring salvation > and no man can save?
No muslim would understand the necessity that a man has to die for other men. And no Jew believes that, because the Jews taught that no one has to die for another man.
The notion of God that here is constructed through misunderstood biblereading is horrible, it makes of a loving God a monster. Biblicism pur. Then jesus would not have had a free decision at all, he had to die because he had to fulfill the prophesy, he had to loyal in a big issue, in a judicial chimera, that originated in an unkind notion of God of unkind people.
You say that jesus is the door to salvation, but he was not divine, only man, only a human "doorkeeper" who made oral messages "divine" messages and than disappeared from the scene, a good tool, a good prophet that told men that only God is the saviour and that after God would have resurrected after 3 days, him the only-man, he would be what...
- a "perfect" human proof of the fact that only God can save and resurrect and fulfill prophesies an make tests of loyalty,, what was known anyway,
- and that only God would be allowed to decide when and how enough ransom was paid for Adams and mankinds sin, what was a fine demonstration of Gods loving kindness, how it looks like, >> a man died for the sin of others because the laws has to be fulfilled.
P.S. I only want to bring us to think about.. how import a correct understand is of basic christian teachings.