Hoping that your dad “clicked”. Had a conversation recently along the same lines with a PIMI friend at work. He was bagging all the other non JW groups and how bad they are.
There is such a bigoted attitude and view with most MSs and Es.
It is an “us and them” thing, they ordinary publisher truly does feel / think / live that way. Everything revolves around themselves and their religion. Think about the midweek meeting just past ... enforcing the persecution narrative.
look up the word “bigot”
when the “pandemic” arose early 2020, I said to him that it would be a great equaliser.
He said “ yea it’ll sort out some of those brothers that aren’t performing”
His world view could not see past the “brotherhood”
what I meant at the time was that the stuff happening now - Fake elections, Fear based fake Pandemic, problems with China and Facinating UFO fakery maybe/maybe not.... is NOT all about them and WT.
This is all about we as humans individually. Maybe by you dad’s silence one of his Blinkers fell off. (Forgive me if I compared him to a horse!)