So are individual Witnesses being told to prepare bread and have wine on hand for the Zoom Memorial? Are they saying it’s “vital” or is it just a “suggestion?”
Memorial Prep question
by ExCircuitOverseer 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I don’t see anything on their website and I don’t want to ask Witnesses I am in contact with for several reasons.
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neat blue dog
It's strongly "encouraged". It has been mentioned at meetings and on JW Broadcasting. You don't have to make it yourself, you can buy the right stuff, but if you don't at least have it on hand you would be viewed as spiritually weak by many.
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Anony Mous
So can you drink it at the end or do you have to dump the bottle down the drain? I know there was some controversy about people taking the bottle home decades ago.
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I have no idea why individual JWs would want to buy the bread and the wine. The vast majority make no claim to being annointed, and instead look forward to living on the earth forever. So they are saying they are not part of the new covenant, so they shouldnt be partaking of the emblems. If they know that, why on earth would they buy something they will never use.
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If they know that, why on earth would they buy something they will never use.
Because the uber-dubs for some insane reason believe that you must touch the glass and plate. Before I started my fade I remember the congregation where I was the "servers" would pass the glasses and plates, then one would hand the glass or plate to the speaker who would promptly hand it back, then the servers would all sit down in the front row and the speaker would leave the platform to hand the glass and plate to the first server so they could touch it as they passed it and then the speaker would take it back to the table. The last time I heard anything about their new Zoomorial they are pretty insistent that to be an approved viewing one must also have wine and crackers in front of them so everyone can see that they have them.
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I don't think there is anything formal, in writing, from HQ or any branch.
There was a CLAM meeting part last week, on "Preparing for the Memorial". One of the points covered was that "with advance planning, it should be possible for most publishers to acquire the Memorial emblems".
So it was more of a verbal instructions thing. I've also seen informal lists with WT references on how to make the bread & what kind of wine to use.
Are you really an ex-CO?
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So can you drink it at the end or do you have to dump the bottle down the drain? I know there was some controversy about people taking the bottle home decades ago.
Are you kidding? These are JWs we're talking about here.
The only "controversy" I can ever recall were disputes on who got to take the bottle(s) home. No such controversy last year or this year with the bread and wine right there in the JW's homes.
I would bet my entire fortune on the prediction that well over 50%, maybe closer to 70 or 80%, will start drinking the wine within seconds (not minutes, mind you) of the Zoom meeting's end. A similarly high number will eat the bread, though I suspect more than half will spread a little cheese or pate on it first.
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