Hello eno..
definitely we were taught in elders meeting by co's that we, as elders were very special.
Angels? well yes,kinda.. We relayed "messages" to the congregation.
I remember distinctly being instructed at an elders school that we AS ELDERS were in the outstretched right hand of Jesus as STARS. as described at Rev 1:16
We were Stars! Not kidding it is scriptural (they said). here is just a couple of teachings
in print. I found dozens like this in the official WT library.
All these quotes frm WT are describing what is taught using Revelation 1:16
1989 WT April 1
These seven congregations of anointed Christians were represented as seven lampstands, and the anointed elders within them were represented as seven stars in the right hand of Christ. By this vivid image, John saw that faithful Christian congregations must be light bearers, like lighted lampstands in a darkened world. Jesus’ holding the elders in his right hand showed that he leads the elders, guiding and governing them.
What is indicated by the elders’ being in the right hand of Jesus?
8 Since Jesus is the Head of the congregation, the elders are properly said to be in his right hand, that is, under his control and direction.
w92 7/1 pp. 14-19 - The Watchtower—1992
Faithful, respected anointed overseers are depicted in the book of Revelation as being held in Jesus’ right hand, that is, under his control and direction.
2012 Oct 15
To avoid that kind of spirit, we can remember that Jesus is pictured in the Bible as having “in his right hand seven stars.” The “stars” represent the anointed overseers and, by extension, all the overseers in the congregations. Jesus can direct the “stars” in his hand in any way he feels appropriate. Thus, as Head of the Christian congregation, Jesus has full control of the bodies of elders. If someone on a body truly needs correction, the One who has “eyes as a fiery flame” will see to it that this is done in His own time and way. In the meantime, we maintain proper respect for those appointed by holy spirit
(Many more direct quotes from the book and magazines if you need them)
we were the STARS in Jesus hand in Rev 1:16!