I thought of that as well, soon as I read the opening post, PP.
1 Cor 6 v 3
i sometimes catch a video of a lady calling the kh and asking questions.
this morning she was questioning something that was said in the annual meeting part 2 and i looked it up for myself.
( feb 23 ) at timeline 1:37 the claim is in the new world jesus and the 144000 will raise the dead and just shortly after that the claim is jesus and the 144,000 will read hearts.
i thought of this today.
when i first told a certain person i didn't believe the gb were the faithful slave, that person told me i was spiritually sick....even bought me flowers.
i threw the vase away because i couldn't look at it without thinking how i was judged spiritually sick.
Hello eno,
I remember recently seeing/reading something about this recently..
the bit that says (…is there anyone among you who is sick, let him call the older men ..).
Yes, it is actually referring to an illness as in Physically sick. The slant on it being SPIRITUALY sick is not implied but forced by WT (I would say) to allow those of us who were elders to stick our noses in and pry.
pores in surgical face-masks = 600 microns.
coronavirus = between 0.125 & 5 microns.
have you seen this video about the covid vaccines?
have you got any views on the information?
i find it worrying at least.
Is the tide turning?
I believe it is.
They had many campaigns in many countries with the basic message that you
were selfish, you could kill your granny, If you don't get the injection.
When all along they knew the injection never prevented transmission.
Please search "European Parliament Pfizer"
for those of you who still respect the bible, which translation/s are you using now?
I use several. If I want to get my grey cells working I use this one ..
Thanks Vidqun,
I read that article. Q'land is no longer giving stats that don't line up with the narrative (story).
"Cases" are now going UP in the UK. Get the shot, is the message - even if you've had covid before.
If you talk about, write about, mention,or even allude to NATURAL immunity - you will be labelled and then you might get . .. . .cancelled.
Anecdotal EVIDENCE is more important to me than people who quote the government and science their controllers the Pharmaceutical industry..
Although Anecdotal (observed personal experience) is sometimes ridiculed, it is important. My anecdotes - (OBSERVERVATIONS) - of my "vaccinated" family members, and the "vaccinated" people I work with convinces me that natural immunity works.
What I find interesting (anecdotally) is after nearly 3 years now, my family members, work mates, now say that enough is enough and are not getting a 3rd or 4th "vaccine". or the brand spanking new COMBO Flu and Cov injection. THAT is evidence for me that it is causing problems. From the horses mouth!
that natural immunity is far better.
thesis: when someone who is given a responsibility mistakes that responsibility for authority, bullying is very likely to occur.. jesus spoke an illustration recorded at matthew 24: 45-51 which well illustrates this thesis.. jesus asked, “who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over all his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time?
happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so.
truly i say to you, he will appoint him over all his belongings.
Roger K
You said in the first Post -
Watch Tower teaches that Jesus was foretelling a time when he would appoint a faithful and discreet slave class over his followers on earth. However, nowhere did Jesus identify himself as the master.
There are two features which must be fulfilled for one to fit Jesus’ model of a faithful and discreet slave, and both features were fulfilled by Jesus before he ascended to heaven. First, the slave must give the master’s domestics their food at the proper time. Do you remember when Jesus told his disciples, as recorded at John 16:12, “I have many things yet to say to you, but you are not able to bear them at present.” Clearly, Jesus was giving his disciples spiritual food at the proper time for them. Still, when Jesus spoke those words he had not yet proven his loyalty to the Father unto death.
Second, after having been inspected and found to have fulfilled the first feature, that slave would be appointed over all the master’s belongings. Jesus also fulfilled this feature. After having proved his loyalty to the Father unto death and shortly following his resurrection, Jesus appeared to his disciples and as recorded at Matthew 28:18, “Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth.”
Since Jesus never identified himself as the master in his illustration, and since both features of a faithful and discreet slave find their fulfillment in Jesus, could it be that Jesus was pointing to himself as an example of a faithful and discreet slave? 1Peter 2:21 says, “In fact, to this course you were called, because even Christ suffered for you, leaving you a model for you to follow his steps closely.”
That is an interesting way of approaching it and does make sense. I am still pondering that viewpoint.
It is very telling, also to note that Luke 12:41-48 is not used very much by WT when referencing the faithful and discreet slave illustration.
Yes, 1Peter 2:21 Jesus gave an example of how to be and how to interact with others.
WT stated in a 1990 Mar 15 WT Study Article: Cooperating with the Governing Body
We can easily understand that the increased load of responsibility devolving upon the Master’s slave, steward, or house manager involved intense writing and editorial activities. Spiritual food supplies had to be published regularly at the proper time in The Watchtower. In 1919 The Golden Age (a companion magazine later to become Consolation, and then Awake!) began to be published to arouse public interest, in addition to building up the “domestics.” Floods of books, booklets, and tracts have also been produced over the years.
I wonder about the food in the illustration. Could it mean something else other than “floods of books, booklets, and tracts ..”? Jesus life and his service was more than that.
Other scriptures indicate a broader description.
For example:
In the parable of the sheep and goats, there's a few elements – Brothers, Sheep, Goats and interaction. Jesus gives the criteria on how they are sorted out as either a Sheep or a Goat. Is it dispensing “spiritual Food”? No.
… I was hungry, you gave me food. Was thirsty – something to drink.
I was a stranger – you took me in. Naked I got clothes.. I was sick – you visited me. I was in prison, you came and saw me!
(WT very rarely comments on these specific details)
These are all just human actions. If an individual sees a need and has the ability to fulfil that need that is surely brotherly love. People do that every day. Show and give ordinary kindness and human compassion!
WTs “explanation” is this in a nutshell:
A person is a sheep based on the “support” they give to the "anointed" ones, the governing body.
2015 Mar 15 page 26 par 7 study WT COOPERATING WITH THE GOVERNING BODY TODAY “explains”
Today, we understand the parable of the sheep and the goats clearly. We know that “the Son of man,” or “the King,” is Jesus. The King’s “brothers” are those who are anointed with holy spirit and who will rule in heaven with Jesus. “The sheep” and “the goats” are people from all nations. They will be judged toward the end of the great tribulation that will soon begin. And we know that Jesus will judge people according to how they have treated the anointed ones who are still on earth. We are so grateful that Jehovah has helped us over the years to understand this parable and the other parables in Mathew chaters 24 -25
However, Jesus answered a question and pointed to those following him around and non were anointed.
But Jesus replied, “Who is My mother, and who are My brothers?” Pointing to His disciples, He said, “Here are My mother and My brothers. For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother.” Matt 12:49,50
(also Mark 3:32 -35)
Of course the standard comment from a JW will be along the lines of " ... of course it is only us who are doing the will of Jesus father today! (and by implication saying that is the preaching work).
However, Jesus is the judge. The action - or non action - toward a fellow human in a time of need (if we have the power to act) is surely the basis of Christs decision.
I used to think that to be approved by God, or Christ, or to get salvation, - was ALL dependent on giving time and energy to a group of men.
i watched some wendi renay youtube videos.
the former elder who was being interviewed mentioned a couple of things i noted.
i would like to know what your reactions were at the time you learned what i am going to relate if you had the same or kindred experience.
Hello eno..
definitely we were taught in elders meeting by co's that we, as elders were very special.
Angels? well yes,kinda.. We relayed "messages" to the congregation.
I remember distinctly being instructed at an elders school that we AS ELDERS were in the outstretched right hand of Jesus as STARS. as described at Rev 1:16
We were Stars! Not kidding it is scriptural (they said). here is just a couple of teachings
in print. I found dozens like this in the official WT library.
All these quotes frm WT are describing what is taught using Revelation 1:16
1989 WT April 1
These seven congregations of anointed Christians were represented as seven lampstands, and the anointed elders within them were represented as seven stars in the right hand of Christ. By this vivid image, John saw that faithful Christian congregations must be light bearers, like lighted lampstands in a darkened world. Jesus’ holding the elders in his right hand showed that he leads the elders, guiding and governing them.
What is indicated by the elders’ being in the right hand of Jesus?
8 Since Jesus is the Head of the congregation, the elders are properly said to be in his right hand, that is, under his control and direction.
w92 7/1 pp. 14-19 - The Watchtower—1992
Faithful, respected anointed overseers are depicted in the book of Revelation as being held in Jesus’ right hand, that is, under his control and direction.
2012 Oct 15
To avoid that kind of spirit, we can remember that Jesus is pictured in the Bible as having “in his right hand seven stars.” The “stars” represent the anointed overseers and, by extension, all the overseers in the congregations. Jesus can direct the “stars” in his hand in any way he feels appropriate. Thus, as Head of the Christian congregation, Jesus has full control of the bodies of elders. If someone on a body truly needs correction, the One who has “eyes as a fiery flame” will see to it that this is done in His own time and way. In the meantime, we maintain proper respect for those appointed by holy spirit
(Many more direct quotes from the book and magazines if you need them)
we were the STARS in Jesus hand in Rev 1:16!
hello elle2 and welcome to the forum.. thank you enoughisenough for the post about alternatives to babylon the great.. i tend to go back to the first babylon account in genesis ch 11 – a very short fascinating event.. mankind it says, was of “one set of words” they understood each other.
apparently it was after the flood and they were working unitedly they built this thing, tower ziggy what thingy and they all had the same language, understood each other and achieved stuff.
it was called the tower of babel.. babel means confusion.
Hello Elle2 and welcome to the forum.
Thank you enoughisenough for the post about alternatives to Babylon the Great.
I tend to go back to the first Babylon account in Genesis Ch 11 – a very short fascinating event.
Mankind it says, was of “one set of words” they understood each other. Apparently it was after the flood and they were working unitedly They built this thing, tower Ziggy what thingy and they all had the same language, understood each other and achieved stuff. It was called the Tower of Babel.
Babel means confusion.
Then it became different. God said “let us go down and stop this nonsense” and they were scattered!
The language was changed. Instead of one uniting set of words it was broken up into apparently different languages and they could only understand those that “spoke' the same.
The Internet has supposedly been uniting mankind these last few decades...
But what is happening now is also a fascinating event. Forces seem to be wanting to “unite mankind” (..we are all in this together .. blah blahh)
We are not truly listening to each other or understanding one another.
We are split and scattered between different Media outlets. We have news we prefer and brand anyone with a different opinion or outlook as left or right leaning etc.
We are scattered by diverse arrays of TV channels and .org's and .com's and .net's and .co's and .Gov's with less and less country identity. Eg. The BBC news presenting (way of presenting).... “the news”. With a real local appearance as if it is very familiar with your geological position. Everything is now “global”. “We are one”.
Or so they say.
Just my personal thoughts here, I enjoy the internet. I built my first PC back in 1995 when the first WT library on CD ROM was made. However, I really feel in my heart that the biggest mistake WT made was getting involved in the “confusion” of this entity called the internet. I have always had the internet from the first dial up modem. BUT I HATE the INTERNET for what it has done and is DOING!
I have seen the effect of all the SCREENS and what has happened to people by the use of screens.
We are drowning in information which is getting harder and more confusing to sort out. There is a force?entity?being pulling the strings and It really does seem like it is the epitome of Lies and Evil and all things confusing.
There are more similarities but I will leave it at that for now.
I don't know what the outcome will be and I am not suggesting that this is a type or an antitype or a prophetic thing. Genesis Ch11 is very short. Gen Ch12 doesn't really give a sequential follow through.
joseph and mary were not in a spiritually adulterous relationship with the roman authorities, the "legs of iron".
joseph and mary were not perfect.
the governing body of the modern-day organization of jehovah's witnesses is not perfect.
AnnaNanna you raised some ideas. Your ideas.What Are you doing here, you count more time handwriting letters.
Defending 8 men who live at 8 Kings Dr will not get you any extra hour credits. You are by association a bad associate. Be making up your mind or admit that you are conflicted.
The 8 at the lake are being exposed by the mouth of Jesus.